Books read in 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Lovingkindness of the Lord


We had some daylilies that needed to be moved,
but the only problem was...we didn't have a place to move them to.

A lady whom we go to church with was talking with Strongheart
one day after church and he was telling her that he guessed that he'd just throw them over the bank.

She said she thought she knew someone who might be interested in them if he was certain he didn't want them.

It turns out that the "someone" was actually this woman's daughter.
Arrangements were made for the daughter, along with her sister whom we also go to church with, came one Saturday afternoon to dig them up.

Strongheart helped with the digging of course and before we knew it the back of her SUV was filled with daylilies.

As she closed the back of her vehicle, her sister said to her,
"We mustn't forget to give them that something you brought for them."

The woman opened her car door and pulled out the birdhouse that you see pictured above.  We had never met this lady before, but it was like I'd known her forever...and she knew me.  Of course, her sister is a close friend of mine, so she may have helped her with the decision.

The lady said that she wanted to do something for us for giving her the flowers and she knew we wouldn't take any money.  So that was the reason for the birdhouse.

I love metal things, which this is, and also the color is perfect.
It hangs outside the kitchen window where I can enjoy it while doing the washing up.

God's lovingkindness never ceases to amaze me.


  1. I love to hear of the kindness of others. The woman now enjoys some beautiful day lilies, and you have a new birdhouse. This post reminds me of my grandpa who would walk down a back road near where we lived and dig up daylilies that grew wild. He'd bring them home and plant them in front of their home. He could make anything grow!

    1. Your grandpa sounds like my grandma. She could get anything to grow also. It sounds as if we both have some fond childhood memories of our grandparents.

  2. That WAS very kind of her! I love your new birdhouse.

  3. I love this! You were all a blessing to each other and you'll be reminded of that when you see that pretty little birdhouse!

    1. We just can't out give the loving kindness of God. We are so blessed.

  4. What a sweet gift exchange...and share of kindness. I'm sure you were as much of a blessing as she was to you! And such a nice reminder of that kindness (and even more!) every time you look out the window! I hope the birdies are enjoying it soon as well!

    1. Yes, Jennifer, every time I see the birdhouse I think of the kindness of this lady.

  5. Ahh, how sweet is that. Such a nice back and forth of blessings to each other.

    1. It truly was, Ellen. Have fun with your family the rest of the week.

  6. That was so kind of her! What a cute birdhouse. I don't have a birdhouse, but I'm thinking I need one. The birds, especially hummingbirds, have loved my wildflower garden this summer.

    1. We have a couple of wooden birdhouses that my husband built but I also love the look of the metal one.

  7. I love when God intersects people's interests and needs like that!

  8. One kindness ripples out to others. :) You all made God smile. :)

  9. what a beautiful story and meeting like minded people!!! I'm glad the lilies found a new home.

    1. Thank you, Karen. The mom told my husband Sunday that the lilies are doing well! Some things are just meant to be and I love how He brings people together!
