Books read in 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kindness that stirs the senses

 Following through with my One Word for 2024...Kindness...and thoroughly enjoying Lisa's sensory challenge for this month has given me cause to share how the Lord opened my heart and my eyes to kindness in the every day happenings of life.

Strongheart had a follow up eye appointment last week for the laser surgery he had two weeks prior.  They had called him back and shortly thereafter a lady came in the waiting area and sat down.  I smiled (seldom does anyone ever frown back...they normally smile right back 😊) and the lady smiled back.  Our conversation began with a discussion with how we felt about elevators.  It continued on to other topics and before she was called back for her appointment we realized that we were neighbors!  We don't live on the same street or road, but still, we live within a few miles of one another!  She was a delight!  

As I was sitting in my chair reading my book on Jim Elliot I heard the receptionist say a name that was very familiar to of my cousins whom I grew up with.  I was curious to see if it really was him and when he and his wife walked around the corner we were amazed and happy!  My cousin has had many health issues in his later years and what a blessing it was to spend time with him and his wife.  He is a soft spoken kind of guy with a dry sense of humor.  He has always reminded me of my dad in many ways.  We got caught up on family happenings before he was called back to the exam room.  That was definitely a blessing from the Lord!

Next person to enter the waiting area was a woman who had traveled quite a distance to come to the eye doctor.  She was a dear and as we began talking we realized that she lived close to where we once lived in another part of our state!  She knew some of the same people that I knew!  She was delightful!

Before she was called back, a gentleman entered the waiting area and the three of us began talking.  As it turns out, he used to live in the same town as the lady, now lives in the town I grew up in, and goes to a privately owned store in the county I currently live in to purchase some of his pork products.  The lady was called back for her exam in the middle of our conversations.  She was so much fun.  The gentleman and I continued our conversation until Strongheart came out from his exam.

This was definitely a sensory challenge for this introvert girl, but it was also a HUGE blessing!  My senses that were engaged were sight, hearing, and I have to include "taste" in "taste and see that the Lord is good" Psalm 34:8


  1. How amazing to meet and reconnect with so many people with so much in common! In a doctor's waiting room! I love how God works these things out. I love His surprises. Good news! Your blog showed up as a notification in my email this morning. So now it works!

    1. I truly was designed by God because what are the odds otherwise of that many people being so familiar with so many different places? I didn't get an email notification about your blog until later in the day, but it did come through. I'm glad that is all straightened out...and we didn't have to do a thing! :)

  2. I love this! You know, I'm thinking that those were God appointed meets in a waiting room. They were a blessing to you to fill time and keep from stress while Strongheart was back there. And God had you there for them as well, so this time that none of us look forward to became a joy. God is good!

    1. I totally agree with you, my friend! His plans are always best! When Strongheart came out and we were going down on the elevator I told him that God had just arranged the social hour and I had the best time!

  3. Wow, so many wonderful encounters. I'm sure it was encouraging to everyone to connect instead of just sit there and wait. it truly is a small world.

    1. Yes, Ellen. They truly were. God certainly made my "waiting" worthwhile and enjoyable!

  4. What a neat experience! How fun to find some kind of connection with everyone you spoke to that day. And I love the observation that most people smile back when we smile.

    1. Isn't God just so good, Barbara? A smile seems like such a small thing, but we never know what another person is going through...a little smile might be just what they need if they are carrying a burden. xx

  5. Wow what a great day in the waiting room. :)

    1. It truly was, Karen! I enjoyed it immensely!

  6. I love this! It brought a smile to my face just reading about all the wonderful people you met and chatted with. It was a good day for you indeed.

    1. Yes, Julia, it was a good day for me indeed! God is so gracious and kind.

  7. How surprising that you met the various people that you already knew and some that you got to know. In the unlikely spot of the doctor's waiting room. You're so right about smiling at people. It's the rare person that doesn't smile back ( happened to me this week. A very uppity woman just stared at me. I doubt she was a happy person.)

    1. The lady you met this week was undoubtedly not a happy person, but perhaps she was carrying a burden. This was a fun day for me!

  8. wow you were in the right place at the right time! I love stories like that.

  9. Wow! That is amazing how you found connections with each person, Dianna! Yes, that would have been a sensory challenge for me, too, but yes, also a blessing. I'm so glad you shared about this appointment with us!

    1. That was such an amazing time the day of that appointment. I'm almost inclined to believe that was a "divine appointment"...especially that my cousin and his wife were part of it. xx

  10. What a lovely way to spend your time.
