Books read in 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: August 5, 2024

AROUND ME: Projected high is 89 with high humidity, but only a 3% chance of rain.  Sounds like a great day to stay inside and enjoy the a/c.

I AM PONDERING: John 17:23 from yesterday's sermon.  Jesus is speaking to the Father on our behalf..." that the world may know that You sent me, and loved them, even as You have loved me."  That always makes me tear up ....just to think that God loves me with the same love that He loves Jesus.  His grace truly is amazing!

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: recognizing God's hand in the ordinary every day happenings of life.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

The Journals of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  the rain that we received on Saturday afternoon.  We had almost an inch of rain in a matter of about 45 minutes to an hour.  What an improvement it has made in the garden.



  Rustic Tomato Tart ready for the oven.

Rustic Tomato Tart ready to be eaten! 
(recipe to follow at some point this week)


We have been harvesting and preserving our second bloom of Shitake mushrooms.
This is only about 1/3 of the logs.
If you are new here you can read about the process HERE and HERE.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: Laundry, a bit of spot cleaning here and there, and preserving mushrooms!

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. Your tomato tart looks really good!
    That's a wonderful verse, humbling and amazing.

    1. Thank you, Mari. We really enjoy it. In fact, we had one for lunch just today. I used some of our slicing tomatoes for the most part and then used the cherry tomatoes to fill in around the edge. I think I like it a lot better when just using the cherry tomatoes. It takes longer to prepare, but I think I like the end results better.

      You described exactly how I feel about John 17:23...humbling and amazing.

  2. Look at those mushrooms!! I have been trying to make peace with the weather and my inability to be in it. This has been a rough summer!!

    1. We finished up the mushrooms Sunday afternoon. This second bloom was so large that we shared with neighbors and folks at church. We will get to do this one more time, about six weeks from now, and then that will be it until spring.

      I hear ya, Friend, about this being a rough summer. Autumn temperatures aren't supposed to be any cooler either. I think I am going to thoroughly enjoy winter this year. :)

  3. That is an amazing truth to try to wrap our heads around. God loves us and loved us enough to send His Son to die for our sins and then to send the Holy Spirit to help us. So rich an inheritance! That rustic tart looks so good. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, it is, Ellen. I'm thankful that we are aliens and pilgrims living in this world...for it is not our home.
      Thank you for your kind words about the tart. We had one for lunch today. :)

  4. Looking forward to this new recipe!
    I cannot imagine loving anyone equally to my children! We have an awesome God!!!

    1. Hello Monica! The recipe for the tomato tart will be up on the blog on Wednesday, Lord willing. If you like tomatoes I'm pretty sure you will like this recipe.
      And, yes, we certainly do have an awesome God! xx

  5. I'm glad the mushrooms are growing so nicely for you! That's so amazing to consider--that God loves us as He loves Jesus.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. We've harvested everything from this bloom now...finished up yesterday afternoon. We have one more time before winter sets in. It will be in about six weeks from now.

      I know...His love, for us when explained like it is in John 17 (not to mention John 3:16) is something that is so hard to comprehend. He adopted us because He loves us so much. xx

  6. I love Jesus' prayer for his disciples in John 17. Verse: 20 brings me to tears: "I do not pray for these alone but also for those who will believe in me through their word."

    1. Yes, the way He prays for His disciples is special...and then the way He prays that includes us is truly humbling.

  7. Hi Dianna, It's also very hot with high humidity here in NC. I'm not exactly ready for fall, but I'm ready for cooler temperatures. Your Rustic Tomato Tart turned our beautifully! Looking forward to the recipe. And just look at all those mushrooms - Wow!!

    1. Thank you for your kind words regarding the Rustic Tomato Tart. The recipe will be up on the blog on Wednesday, Lord willing.

      I was able to put 17 servings of mushrooms in the freezer for winter enjoyment. I'm thankful.

  8. That's a lot of mushrooms!!! the tomato tart looks so tasty. I look forward to seeing the recipe.

    1. Yes, certainly is. I was able to put 17 servings in the freezer this time. In about six weeks we will have our last bloom of the season. So I will be able to put some more away.

      Thank you for your kind words regarding the tomato tart. I plan to post the recipe on Wednesay. It's something we really enjoy this time of year when we have a lot of tomatoes to use up.

  9. The tomato tart looks delicious.
    A great mushroom crop!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. We actually had a tomato tart for our lunch today. :)

      Yes, the Lord definitely blessed us with a great mushroom crop this time. I put 17 servings in the freezer. In another six weeks, Lord willing, we will have our last bloom of the season.

  10. Interesting post. I never knew anyone who grew their own mushrooms~~good for you. Looking forward to the recipe for the tomato tart. Thanks for your comments on my images. Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda. It's been a long process to come to the point of harvesting the mushrooms. This was our second time this season and we will have one more in about six weeks and that should be the end of them for this season.

      I plan to put the tomato tart recipe up on Wednesday. I enjoy your images! L)

  11. We have had a heat wave here too and it does seem better to stay indoors in the AC . I remember when I was young, we did not have AC . How did we manage in the summer? So interesting that you grow your own mushrooms. Your tomato tart looks amazing.

    1. I know, Judee, we didn't have A/C when I was growing up either. My husband is a wonderful gardener and likes to try growing different things. It took us a couple of years to reach this harvest of mushrooms. Recipe is up on the blog now for the tart...only it isn't a gluten free crust.
