Monday, September 2, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: September 2, 2024

AROUND ME: Birds and crickets are chirping,  and we have a week of temperatures in the 70s forecast!  My kind of weather!  Autumn loving friends, it is definitely coming! 

I AM PONDERING: how just very small and simple changes that we make can have such a huge impact on realizing our goals.  I'm amazed.


Memories made with this man.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the closeness we share with our adult children and their spouses.  Even though neither of them live close to us they are faithful in their care of us.


The yummiest of granola bars.
And, yes, even more so than the ones I made a few weeks ago!


Stuffed Peppers!

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Making more grape juice!

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. Those stuffed peppers look wonderful! I made them a few weeks ago for the first time. I'm looking for a better recipe though. Sweet photo of Strongheart. Our weather is cooling off as well but not quite as low as yours. And yes, I'm really looking forward to fall!

    1. Thank you, Melanie. It had been quite a while since I'd made any, but the peppers in the garden were aplenty so I decided to make some. We did enjoy them.

  2. such a peaceful journal entry today, I to treasure my relationships with my kids who are out of town.

    1. Thank you, Karen, for your kind words. Isn't having adult kids so much fun? I love it!

  3. I really like that photo of Strongheart!
    Homemade granola bars looks and sound good, and the stuffed peppers do too.
    A strong relationship with our kids is such a blessing!

    1. Thank you, Mari. That was taken on a picnic that he and I took a year ago. He was walking ahead of me, and I had my phone, so I just snapped it. I'll share the recipe for the granola bars later this week. Praying for you, Friend.

  4. I'm looking forward to fall temperatures. Nice photo of your husband. The granola bars look good!

  5. Sweet photo of your hubby. Those granola bars look delicious as do the stuffed peppers. It is soooo good to be at peace and enjoy our children and that they enjoy us, too. What a blessing. Happy new week to you!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ellen. I totally agree with you concerning being at peace with and enjoying our children and grandchildren, as well as them enjoying us.

  6. That's a really nice picture of your husband and the scenery is gorgeous! The red barn is so pretty. I'm so glad you have such a close relationship with your children and their spouses. That's so special and something to be thankful for. I know you've mentioned that your son lives in Maine. Just curious... where does your daughter live? Enjoy the fall-like weather. Hopefully, we see some cooler temperatures later this week.

    1. Thank you, Julia. About a year ago we visited one of our State Parks...this one is Cathedral where some of the oldest Hemlocks in the country grow. It had rained the night before so we couldn't really do any hiking on the trails, but we did have our picnic lunch and just up from the picnic area is that road that you see my husband walking on. Once you get to that little bridge, you can go no further because it is private property. That beautiful red barn is on that property. Our daughter lives in Delaware and thank you for asking. :) We have had a beautiful autumn-like day.

  7. Beautiful scenery in the picture featuring your husband!
    I enjoy stuffed peppers too. They'so delicious! I use all the colors on the market : green, red, yellow, and red peppers.

    1. Thank you, Duta. That picture was taken in one of our State Parks here in WV. It's a place I enjoy going when I am feeling stressed. Just walking among the Hemlock trees eases any tension.

      I've done that with the stuffed peppers too...using the different colors. But the only ones he brought in from the garden were green and a couple with a hint of red. :)

      Take care, my friend. I keep you and your country in prayer. xx

  8. We liked stuffed peppers too. Yummy.

  9. The granola bars look so delicious!! I wish my DH liked stuffed peppers but he doesn't :(
    We live in a small city ( or a big town?) When we moved here 50 years ago it was much different. There were actually 2 towns not very far apart and slowly the 2 have amalgamated. Now there are problems with drugs and gangs along with homelessness. It seems some problems have no solutions.

    1. Thank you for sharing this about your town. We live about half an hour away from a college town. When I grew up there it was a quiet small town but now things have become as you described that has taken place there.. it's so sad.

  10. Stuffed peppers are one of my favourites. Looks nice and fallish in the photo of your hubby. Have a great day.

    1. We enjoy stuffed peppers too. We plan to have them again in the coming week.

      The picture with my husband was taken a year ago and it was beautiful. We just this week went back to the same park to hike and the leaves are beginning to turn very slightly. I think last year we went about a month later.
