Monday, September 23, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: September 23, 2024

AROUND ME: things are slowly getting back to normal around our house, now that I am beginning to do much better than the last couple of weeks.

I AM PONDERING: "God's grace is not a way of going around trials, but a way of going through them," James Montgomery Boice

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  Visting blogging friends and finding things that make me know that they thought of me...such as this...


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes

Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham

A Place for Weakness by Michael S. Horton

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  sweet memories that came from the hands of my sweet mom.

My dad wasn't in the best of health and spent several times in the hospital as I was growing up.  
Mother always had some sort of needlework in her bag so that she could go straight to the hospital directly from getting off work to spend the evening with Daddy.

This is one of her pieces of handiwork. 
 I can't even imagine making all of those French Knots on the Golden Rod.  

Something extra about this particular piece is that she had my uncle make the frame for it in his workshop.

The picture has hung in every home we have lived in from the time she gave it to me.


My first loaf of gluten free bread that I made.
You can find the recipe HERE.


Strongheart is in the process of harvesting our third bloom of Shitake mushrooms!
We haven't quite reached the number of mushrooms as are pictured here, 
but it won't be long!

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Cleaning the living room and kitchen.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. I do not like to make french knots at all! That loaf looks good and so does the dinner!

  2. WOW - look at all those mushrooms! Congratulations on your third bloom! And what do you do with all your mushrooms? Congrats on making such a nice loaf of bread. I tried (with the sourdough craze) but could not get the hang of it. I love your mom's needlework. How special to have her work hanging in your home. And I wanted to say that quote you are pondering is a great one. I think I will do some pondering on it myself!! Have a beautiful Monday!!

  3. Your mom's handwork is so beautiful. I can imagine it makes you smile every time you look at it. I used to be able to do French knots a long time ago. Her needlework is amazing.

    You'll enjoy Lenten Lands. I really enjoyed hearing about C.S. from Douglas' point of view.

    I'll check out your recipe for the gluten free bread. Your meal makes me hungry!

    Lots of mushrooms there! Nothing like cooking with fresh mushrooms.

  4. How sweet to have handiwork of your mom's! I wonder what my kids will do with mine. :-)

    I like that quote. Usually I want to get out of trials ASAP, but need to see what God wants me to learn in them.

    That sign looks perfect for you!

  5. I quite like making French knots. I once made a pillow and the design was made with nothing but French knots.
    You sure have a of mushrooms.

  6. I love the "be kind for no reason at all" sign.
