Books read in 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: September 9, 2024

AROUND ME: The high for today is expected to be 76 degrees with hazy sunshine.  We've been enjoying those beautiful early foggy mornings.  I just love those kinds of beginnings to a day!

I AM PONDERING: "When your dreams are vague, it's easy to rationalize exceptions all day long and never get around to the specific things you need to do to succeed." James Clear



  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

I AM THANKFUL FOR: Our grandchildren who call us and stay in touch even though they are all grown up.  Our "baby" of the lot started college last month!  But she still calls "just to check to see how you and Pop Pop are doing, Grandma".  Our grandson called yesterday afternoon on his way home after church and doing some shopping.  

I'm also thankful for our church and our pastor who preaches the truth of the Gospel.  Also thankful for our church family.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I don't have a picture, but we finished up the grape juice production this past week with four more quarts of juice, for a total of 20 quarts for the winter when the snow starts to fly!


We took the day off on Friday and went to visit one of our favorite state parks.  This is from the trail that we hiked.  After our hike, we sat at one of the picnic tables and ate our picnic lunch. Such a lovely day.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Making red raspberry juice with the fruit steamer so I can have it for jelly making a bit later this autumn.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. What a lovely hike! I'm glad you got to walk through such a lovely area and even have a picnic lunch with your hubby. Grandchildren are indeed a blessing. I'm blessed to have some close by. We had great weather this weekend - in the 70s. Cozy mornings are lovely, aren't they?

    1. It really is a lovely place to hike. I love all of the Hemlocks! And the streams and bridges. I have more pictures coming later in the week that Strongheart took along the trail . And I adore picnics. I'm glad you have some of your grandkids close by, Melanie. Ours have always been away from of them even living in another country, but I was determined as a grandma it wouldn't hinder me from having close relationships with them. Thanks be to God, that has remained true to this point.

  2. That verse came up in our Connection Group conversation last night. The State park looks like a great place to hike and explore and I like the name. Your weather sounds lovely. So sweet that your Grands check up on you! Have a good week. I'm going to be hit and miss on the internet the next couple of weeks!

    1. It really is a great place to hike. I am hoping that we can visit there again soon and walk a different trail. I'm sure you are going to be a busy lady over the next few weeks getting ready for your trip to Scotland. Praying for you. xx

  3. I like hiking, it's a nice way to stay in shape and enjoy nature.

    1. Yes it is, Bill. We are surrounded by beautiful places to hike and I enjoy the exercise it provides.

  4. beautiful place to take a walk! So glad the grands are in touch with you and you have a close relationship with them!! I hope I have the same as mine get older.

    1. Karen, when our first grandchild was born his parents were living in Mexico City as missionaries. Even though we didn't see them on a regular basis, I would think of things I could do to develop that relationship with our grandson. That was back in the days before cell phones and FaceTime. I remember reading a large Beatrix Potter on tape and sending him the tapes. You do so much for your grands and I have no doubt but what you will maintain that close relationship with them as they grow.

  5. What a lovely place to visit! I am thankful for my grandson as well--I hope we have more some day!

    1. It really was, Barbara. I will post more pictures later in the week. I remember when your grandson was born and I have enjoyed watching the relationship you have with him growing and developing. So precious.

  6. Hello, my friend! What a beautiful way to spend a September day! Have a cozy afternoon!

  7. How nice that your grandkids keep in touch with you. Never hear from mine!
    Looks like a nice place for walking.

    1. It's a blessing, for sure, Karen. And it's something that I don't take for granted. I'm sorry that you never hear from your grandkids. They miss out knowing what a special grandma they have.

      Cathedral State Park isn't that far away from you either, my friend. It's one of my favorite places to go. I like having a picnic as a reward for all of the walking. :)

  8. Such a joyful post today! Beautiful photo of the park, love from family, accomplishing making juice and jelly and thankfulness for your church. It makes me happy!

    1. Thank you, my friend. I'll post more pictures from our hike a little later this week. It's such a calm and relaxing place. I made raspberry juice today to have for making raspberry jelly this winter. I had 11 quarts! I'm so thankful for our church and our pastor. It's a blessing to worship there with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  9. That looks a beautiful place to enjoy a walk.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hello Jan! It truly is a beautiful place to walk! I'll post more pictures later this week.

  10. That park looks like a great place to go walking. I think Fall walks are the best!!
    Raspberry juice for jelly sounds like such a good idea. Years ago we had a short row of raspberry plants but as our yard gradually got shadier the plants quit producing. ( not our hedge so we couldn't trim it back) Have a wonderful week.

    1. I enjoy walks in the fall best, too. My husband planted some black raspberries this year so maybe next year I can make jelly from both and red!

  11. My favorite drink at the table is grape juice mixed with soda water.
    I'm glad you are blessed with such wonderful grandchildren.

    1. Thank you for the idea about mixing grape juice with soda water, Duta! I want to give that a try.
      We truly are blessed when it comes to our grandchildren.

  12. You have been very busy in the kitchen! Having a fresh grape juice stash will be so nice this winter. I love raspberry jelly. It's my favorite! I eat raspberries almost every morning. I always have some kind of berries with breakfast.

    I'm so glad to hear your grandchildren are close to you and your husband. I was close to my grandparents growing up and called them often. Charlotte was very close to my mom and called her almost every day. Charlotte missed being able to call her "Gigi" on the first day of school this year and tell her about her day. Not only did my mom love hearing about Charlotte's first day of school - she loved hearing about every day. We are thankful for all the memories we made with my mom and talk about them often. I hope you have a cozy evening!

    1. I love being busy in the kitchen...especially during this time of the year when I can preserve food for the winter months. My husband works so hard in the garden all spring/summer/fall to provide the food. And I have always loved to can and preserve food. So, we make a good team. ~wink~

      Thank you for sharing with me about your closeness with your grandparents...and also how close Charlotte was with your mom. I will be praying for her because I know that when someone we love passes, it leaves a void in our lives. And when we have had a close relationship with someone like an older adult, it really hurts, even when we know that they are with the Lord.xx
