Books read in 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kindness ...

 is showing up everywhere...

in books..."I don't know what other people think-but I know what I think," my mother replied.  "I think everyone needs to be kind-especially doctors.  You can be a very great doctor and still be kind. That's partly why I like Dr. O'Reilly so much more than the first oncologist I saw-not because she's a woman but because she's kind."

"But you always taught us that sometimes people aren't nice because they aren't happy."

"Yes, but maybe those people shouldn't be looking after other people.  And I'm also talking about kindness, not just being nice.  You can be gruff or abrupt and still be kind.  Kindness has much more to do with what you do than how you do it.  And that's why I didn't have much sympathy for Hanna's mother in People of the Book.  She was a doctor and a mother, and she wasn't kind."  This was part of a conversation between a mother (who is undergoing chemo for her cancer treatment) and her adult son in the book The End of Your Life Book 110.  I enjoyed this so much because of this post that I did last fit right in.  

And kindness is also showing up in other places...

I found this journal a few months ago when we were out shopping one day. 
It's one of those things that you know was placed there just for you.
It's now my place for keeping special quotes.


  1. That is a lovely journal and meant just for you! Have a blessed day.

    1. I was blessed that I "just happened" to see it that day we were out shopping. xx

  2. Love your journal. I am so surprised when I come across something like that in the stores these days.

    1. Thanks, Friend. They are rather rare these days, aren't they? xx

  3. Yes, that journal is perfect for you!
    Kindness is something that I think we as Christians are especially called to. And I think we never know how much a small bit of kindness can mean to someone else.

    1. Thank you, Mari. And I agree with you totally. xx

  4. You found just the right journal.

    I thought I'd answer your question about Amaryllis here. There are 2 ways to go in Fall with an Amaryllis. I've done both. The first is to stop watering it and let it go dormant. 6 to 8 weeks before you want it to bloom you take it out of the cool, dark area where it has been resting. Water it and put it in the light. Hopefully it will wake up and put out new growth that will include blooms.
    The second way is to take it indoors once night temps are less than 50F. Put it in bright light ( even sunlight is fine) and treat it like any other house plant. I got tired of using the first method and now treat all 9 of them in method 2. We both like watching for the flower stalk to appear but it's very random. One never knows exactly when it will happen. I hope this helps.

    There is a lot of info on line too. You might want to check that out.

    1. I think the Lord put that in front of me that day. And thank you for your valuable information regarding the Amaryllis. Now I know why it was that I thought mine had died...because I had quit watering it. I think for this year, at least, I will try the first method, with the reason being that we don't have a lot of bright light. And I think I need to go ahead and bring it in now because our temps at night have been down in the 40s (F). OR I may bring it in and try putting it in the kitchen window...that's where it would get the most light. Thank you so much for your help.

  5. What a lovely looking journal, it was meant for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan! And thank you for stopping by again.

  6. The journal is perfect!! What a great find.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Have you ever been to Ollie's in Westover? We have only been once, but that is where I found that journal. xx

  7. Hi Dianna, What a beautiful journal! It was meant for you.

    1. Hi Julia. Thank you. I'm definitely enjoying using it for quotes that I want to remember.

  8. The journal is perfect for you. Nice find, it was meant to be. Enjoy the day.

    1. We were shopping in a store that was new to us when I saw the journal. I'm enjoying using it. 😊

  9. That is a lovely journal, and "just right" for you and your purposes.

    How fun to find that quote unexpectedly!

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Have you ever read The End of Your Life Book Club? That's where the quote came from. It's a true story and I am enjoying it.

    2. No, I had never heard of it before you mentioned it. I looked it up--sounds good!
