Books read in 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 When our children were younger there was a recipe that I made quite often.  I'd forgotten about it until just recently when I was going through my recipe box.  The original recipe came from Taste of Home magazine, I believe.  I made this on Saturday of last week for us to enjoy over the weekend.  It was just as good as ever, so thought I would share the recipe with you.


1 can tomato soup, undiluted

1 cup water or red wine

1/4 cup all-purpose flour (I used King Arthur's 1 for 1 gluten free flour and it worked fine)

2 pounds beef chuck, fat trimmed, cut in 1-inch to 2-inch cubes

3 medium carrots, cut in 1-inch diagonal slices

6 white boiling onions or yellow onions quartered

4 medium potatoes, cut in 1-1/2-inch chunks

1/2 cup 1-inch celery chunks

12 whole large fresh mushrooms

2 beef bouillon cubes

1 Tablespoon Italian her seasoning or 1 teaspoon each oregano, thyme, and rosemary

1 bay leaf

3 grinds fresh pepper

Mix together soup, water/wine, and flour until smooth; combine with remaining ingredients in covered roasting pan.  Bake at 275 degrees F for 4-5 hours.  

I would recommend that sometime around three hours you check to make sure that there is enough liquid still in the roaster to keep everything from sticking.  


  1. Oh my goodness this looks like a must have for fall! It sounds so easy. something I can fix and maybe freeze leftovers since cooking for one is really hard. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. It really is tasty, Monica. And I think it would freeze well. You are welcome for the recipe.

  2. This sounds very good. I'm going to copy this down! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome, Melanie. It's something we have enjoyed.

  3. Looks good, I would replace the beef with chicken. I haven't eaten beef in decades.

    1. Thanks, Bill. The beef could easily be replaced with chicken.

  4. I love soups and stews but my husband isn't as much as a fan as I am. So I get them sporadically and love them immensely when I do!!! Lovely recipe.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It's certainly an easy recipe.

  5. Sounds good! It's almost soup and stew weather here. I have lots of good Taste of Home recipes. :-)

    1. I "just happened" to come across the recipe one day last week when we were having cooler temperatures here. 😊

  6. This looks delicious! I love hearty stews and soups, especially when the weather gets cooler. Thanks for sharing the recipe with all of us.

    1. You are most welcome, Julia. We eat soup year round here, but I came across the recipe again last week when we were having cooler temperatures. I used to make this rather often for Sunday dinner when the kids were young. So I enjoyed the memories as well. 😉

  7. Sounds wonderful, Dianna! I love a hearty beef stew. I used to make a similar kind of stew that it has probably been 25 years since I made it. I don't know why I stopped; it was so easy and delicious, and TG loved it. You have inspired me to put it back into the rotation! Especially as cooler weather is right around the corner. xoxo

    1. I've been going through my old recipe box lately and pulling out recipes that were our favorites when the kids were young. This was one that I often made for Sunday dinner after church. xx

  8. I love these kinds of meals and they usually taste even better the next day.

    1. We do too.. It's like all of the flavors meld together and the next day they are really flavorful.

  9. It's getting to be stew season! It's such a cozy meal on a cold day. This looks really good - thank you!

  10. With Fall in the air it's a great time to make stew. I think I have everything I need to make it except the beef. Thanks for reminding me about this good old stand by.

    1. You are most welcome, my friend. We love a good beef stew.

  11. I might try this in my crock pot, it sounds delicious and I love a good stew.

    1. It would do fine in the crock pot, I'm sure. It's definitely tasty!

  12. This recipe reminds me of the beef stew my dad would make every Sunday morning and leave in the oven while we were at church. Then it was ready to eat when we arrived home.

    1. That's what I used to do, too, Willow! We often had company coming for lunch after church on Sunday's and this was the perfect way to make sure that lunch would be ready when church was over. :)
