Books read in 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

A Fun Afternoon

 Strongheart and I had planned to go to the state park close by us last Saturday.  He had been gone for the majority of the day on Friday with his doctor appointment and then going to our church and taking care of the flowerbeds there as well as planting some new spring bulbs.  

When he came home, he suggested that we go to Coopers Rock that afternoon because the forecast was for rain that evening.  He felt that the rain would take the leaves off the trees and the main reason we were going was because a friend had told me she'd heard that the leaves were at their peak.

I thought I would share some of the pictures from that afternoon.

This was taken from the overlook.  
There were some shadows, so the colors don't all pop.
But this is overlooking the Cheat River.

There are two overlooks...with one being much larger than the other.
Strongheart took this one from the smaller of the two overlooks as the larger one was filled with people!

He took this one from the larger overlook. 
The colors really were beautiful.

A better view of Cheat River

The sun was in my eyes, so there's a bit of squinting going on,
but this entire outlook is designed around this huge rock...
Coopers Rock State Park.

This tree was exceptionally beautiful.

This is the last picture that he took and it's in the parking lot.
The sun was shining, and the colors were vibrant.

From there we walked down to the Trading Post and looked at all of their expensive "souvenirs" and was about to walk out the door when Strongheart spotted their bin of carved walking sticks.  I had told him earlier that I wanted to get one for when we hike trails, and he graciously asked me to pick out the one I wanted.

After that, he took me to our favorite spot to eat when we are in town.  We had a delicious dinner and then came home.  It was a special time all the way round.


  1. Such lovely photos! I'm glad you were able to go. I know you will enjoy your walking stick!

    1. Thanks, Friend. We had a wonderful afternoon.

  2. Beautiful! Sounds like a fun day all around.

    1. God paints some glorious scenery, doesn't He? It was a fun day all around. Something special to remember when the snow starts flying. :)

  3. It is a beautiful place. We went there not too long ago.

    1. It truly is a beautiful place, Karen. I'm glad that you live close by and can enjoy it as well.

  4. That was a very good idea your Strongheart had - let's go to Cooper's Rock! A spontaneous and beautiful afternoon!! I like your squinty photo:)

    1. It truly was a spontaneous afternoon. And that's saying something for this "planner" that resides in my body. :) I love days like that one because everything seems so special. xx

  5. Oh Dianna what a perfectly idyllic day! The leaves and the river in the distance! So very beautiful. And how special of Strongheart to buy you a walking stick that you wanted! I want to see which one you picked. And I also want to eat at Apple Annie's! Next time we are in WV I will look for one. xoxo

    1. It truly was an idyllic day, Jenny. I will post a picture of the walking stick one of these days. I tell you what, next time you are in WV you need to come to Morgantown...make sure to let me know in advance, and Strongheart and I will meet you at Apple Annie's! Okay? xx

  6. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Bill. My husband was the photographer, and he has taken some amazing pictures this autumn.

  7. That is a beautiful destination for views and color. Smart idea by Strongheart to go before the expected rain. What a sweet gift the walking stick is! Praying for our nation! Blessings!

    1. It truly does have beautiful views, regardless of the season that we are in, but especially in the fall. I, too, am praying for our nation, my friend.

  8. what beautiful photos!! Thank you for taking me along :)

    1. Thank you, Karen. You are welcome...wish I'd have taken you along in real life. :) xx

  9. What a beautiful view! Our leaves are done here. Most trees have lost their leaves probably due to the storms that moved through the past few days. We are into the colorless part of fall...

    1. Our leaves are all done here, as well, Monica. We did this little adventure a little over a week ago and we've had lots of rain and wind since that time. We still see a bright spot here and there in the higher elevations, but for the most part the trees around us are bare.

  10. What a beautiful place and a great way to spend an afternoon! It looks very much like Western NC. Your photos are gorgeous! I love the picture of you, Dianna. Have a wonderful day!

    1. It was such a relaxing time, Julia. After we walked out to the overlook and my husband had finished taking the pictures, we sat on one of the benches and watched families go out to the overlook and enjoy themselves as we sat and talked about many things. Thank you for your kind words, Friend, regarding the picture of me. I almost didn't post it, but it's THE ROCK that makes it Coopers Rock.

  11. I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    It looks a great place to visit and the colours are wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan, for your kind words. When I was a little girl, we would picnic there a few times every summer. My mom wasn't a fan of picnics, but my grandma surely knew how to pack a picnic basket! My dad, and grandparents and I would go to this place and enjoy a delicious picnic lunch. My brother who is the closest in age to me also got to go on these.

  12. What beautiful pictures. I'm so glad you went and were able to see the beauty of the trees before the rain takes them away.

    1. Thank you, Friend. And thank you for stopping by. xx

  13. What a beautiful adventure, Dianna! That's my kind of afternoon. The colors are so vibrant; I'm glad you were able to document it for us before the rain set in. Apple Annie's looks like a fun place to eat!

    1. Hello my friend! Thank you. That really was a fun afternoon adventure and Apple Annie's is always a great place for good food.
