Books read in 2024

Monday, November 4, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  4 November 2024

AROUND ME:  After a few chilly days our temperatures are to be back in the high 60s and low to mid 70s again this week.  I'm still able to view some beautiful oranges and reds on the leaves that are still holding on to the trees.

I AM PONDERING: this quote by Dustin Crowe, "When meaningful reflection rather than mindless neutral describes our thanksgiving, we know God in deeper ways."


Border Collies
While this picture is from the internet, 
this looks just like our Border Collie, Wilma,
when she was young.
We were blessed to have her as part of our family for 15 years.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:   Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes  I'm making a bit of progress on this read.  While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages.  It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.

A Place for Weakness by Michael S.Horton  

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  my Redeemer, good health, a husband who loves me unconditionally, a warm home on the chilly mornings, good friends, our church and the family that we have found there among like-minded Believers.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  that sometimes the best response to an awkward situation is to say nothing.


Corn Chowder with Salmon and Dill



This blue and white Salt Box that I purchased in June was delivered to me three weeks ago when our son and daughter-in-law came for a visit.
You may read the story about this salt box HERE


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  More Swedish Death Cleaning (I do this in small chunks of time, but I am making progress), cleaning out the fridge, and a general straightening up of the house after a busy weekend.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 


  1. It was fun to re-read the story about the salt box and why you had to leave it behind, delayed gratification. Never too old to learn...amen to that! That Amy Carmichael quote is convicting. We had a sermon about service on Sunday, too. And then an email with an article this morning that was titled, 'Leave church a little tired, serving the saints on Sunday morning'. I sense a theme here. :) Hope you have a good week, Dianna.

    1. Ellen, thank you for taking the time to re-read the story about the salt box. It certainly does seem that there is a theme that is running through the things that you are reading/hearing. :) May you have a wonderful week, my friend.

  2. I love to watch the videos with Border Collies herding sheep. Amazing!
    Yum on the corn chowder with salmon! It looks delicious.
    I too am thankful for friends, family and a wonderful church. God gives us so many blessings!
    Have a great day.

    1. That herding instinct is bred into them...and if they don't have sheep to herd, they will find something else that they can herd. I would love to have another Border Collie...hubby talks about it and looks at pictures of them online but so far, we haven't ended up with one. Hope your day has been a good one.

  3. What a sweet picture of the collie. You are very fortunate to have Wilma for so long. Your corn chowder looks delicious! You must share that recipe. And your quote... SOOO true.
    I hope you have a great week and don't over do it on the cleaning! LOL! Sounds scary to me! :D

    1. I know, Monica. It's been ten years since she passed away. We talk about getting another one, but so far it hasn't happened.
      If you send me an email address, I would be happy to send you the recipe for the chowder. It comes from a cookbook that I purchased recently and I'm not sure about sharing it here on the blog.
      LOL...Swedish Death Cleaning isn't least the way I am doing it. Basically, it just amounts to decluttering now to save your kids from having to go through all of your "stuff" once you die. I sent stuff home with our son and daughter-in-law when they were here recently. I've given our daughter things over the last several years and will continue to send things home with her when she comes. It's fun!

  4. The salt box is cute! I so agree about it being best sometimes to say nothing. Sometimes it's hard to know when and whether to say what. But I guess that keeps us dependent on God for wisdom.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I really like the salt box because of how the Lord just put it in front of me the day I found it. Yes...I agree. That's why it's important to remember to ask the Lord for His wisdom. xx

  5. I do LIKE that salt box!!
    That's a beautiful border collie.
    Wasn't that warm over this way. :) Like you've said before the weather can be so different and weren't not that far apart.

    1. Thanks, Friend. I like it too! The picture of the Border Collie is from the internet, but it certainly looks like our Wilma when she was that age. She died about 10 years ago and was 15 years old when she died.
      I don't think it got that warm here today either. Maybe the low 60s and that air was cold.

  6. Hello Dianna. Border Collies are such sweet and kind dogs. Your chowder looks delicious! I love your new salt box! Do you plan to hang it? It's such a lovely, cozy addition to your kitchen. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Yes, they are, Julia. Thank you for your kind words regarding the chowder. It came from the Vegetable - A Love Story cookbook. It was delicious and the longer it sat, the better it got! No, I won't hang the salt box. It would make more room on the stove, but where I would need to hang it, isn't close enough to where I would need it when I was cooking.

  7. Swedish Death cleaning continues here as well. The look on your Border Collie's face is so sweet and full of love. You must miss her even if the years have passed. Do you currently have a dog? GM

    1. No. We keep talking about getting another Border Collie, but we still haven't done it. I do still miss her. She had such a sweet disposition.

  8. Oh I think I would like a salt box now. It must look so nice on your counter! I love your list of things to be thankful for....totally agree!! Happy Tuesday to you:)

    1. Hello Jennifer! That salt box was a gift to me from the Lord. If you check out the link I included in the post, you will understand why. :) I hope you have had a good week! xx

  9. Dianna that salt box is just exquisite. I'm so glad you found it at the antique store. And that border collie! What wonderful, truly amazing dogs they are. Your Wilma must have been a real beauty, and a precious dog I am sure. My mother loved Amy Carmichael and owned many of her books. She often talked about Edges of His Ways. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Jenny. That was just a part of an entire set that included spice jars, tea canister, and an oil and vinegar jugs. When we were in Maine this summer, I had said to my husband and daughter-in-law before we left to go antiquing that I was going to look for a salt box. Can you imagine how our jaws dropped when we walked in the antique shop and that was the first thing I laid my eyes on? Truly from the Lord...which makes it all the more precious. We loved our Wilma for sure. She had such a gentle spirit until she found something to herd. :) Amy Carmichael has always been a favorite of my daughter. Praying for you as you are just a couple of days away from the wedding day! xx

  10. love the photo of your look a like dog. I miss Frodo still!! Nice salt box!!

    1. Thanks, Karen. I have one off a calendar that looks like our Border Collie as an adult that I framed for Carroll one year for Father's Day. It hangs in our mudroom. We keep talking about getting another dog, but we just never do. Glad you like the salt box!

  11. Your corn chowder with salmon and dill looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. It really is a good recipe. It came out of a cookbook that another blogger told me about. The name of the book is Vegetables...a Love Story. I've tried several recipes out of it now, and they have all been delicious. xx
