Books read in 2024

Monday, November 11, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  11 November 2024

AROUND ME:  The majority of the beautiful leaves have gone from shining beautifully on the trees to gracing the ground with their presence.  The trees look a bit sad and the earlier hours of darkness, both morning and evening, make the days seem longer.

I AM PONDERING: the heartache that death brings.  There have been two different deaths around since my last a parent and one an adult child.  It makes me thankful that as Christians even though we do grieve, it is not without hope.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: being inside with a fire in the woodstove...especially when it's a dreary day outside.  As we say around here, "Just because it's dreary outside doesn't mean it has to be dreary inside. " :)

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:   Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes  I'm making a bit of progress on this read.  While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages.  It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  technology that allows us to have access to good Biblical teaching, my copy of God's Word where I can study and grow closer to my Father, Jesus my Redeemer, for those who have served in the military...our veterans.  

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: silence can be golden.


A quick and easy snack.
Use a pizza cutter to cut up corn tortillas and place on a baking tray that is covered with parchment paper.
Coat each side of the chip with oil and season with salt and your favorite seasoning.
I used Trader Joe's Chile Seasoning on these.
Bake in 350-degree F oven for 8 minutes,
turn the chips over and bake another 8-10 minutes. 



(Picture courtesy of the Internet on Pinterest)

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Blood work at the local hospital, shopping for some organizing helps for the pantry and ironing.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear of the deaths in your circle of loved ones.

    I can too easily be negatively affected by dreary days, but I try to find joyful things to see and do inside.

    The chips look tasty!

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for your kind words. I just finished a book on suffering and while it spoke of death throughout the book, the last chapter was a concentrated discussion. I found it to be just what I needed at this time.

      Lights on during the dreary days...or candles flickering...they are things that help to cheer up the inside. And I, like you, try to find things to do that keep my thoughts centered on cheerful things as well.

  2. We spent some time with a 'fresh' widow and her son and the heartache is so intense. You wonder what can I do and many times the best thing is just to listen. We would despair without the hope we have. I've seen some quotes from Sibbes this past week from others on the internet. That is a great idea for leftover corn tortillas. So thankful for our veterans. Have a good day, Dianna.

    1. You are so right, Ellen. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to listen to those who are dealing with their grief. I feel that too often we feel as though we have to "fix" things, but when it comes to grief, that isn't possible. Being there is helpful. I enjoy Richard Sibbes. I hope your Veterans Day has been a good one. xx

  3. My condolences to the those who have lost loved ones to death. For those who have God, there is hope and I'm thankful for that as well.

    1. Thank you, my friend. Both of the people who have died are now with the Lord so that is a comfort.

  4. I like those cozy times in front of the fire too.
    That's a great snack!!
    Sorry to hear of the loss of your friends. Sad for the people who are left but for the saved a glorious day.

    1. We enjoy the homemade tortilla chips. I like using different seasonings on them, too.
      Thank you for your kind words, Karen. Both are enjoying that glorious day.

  5. I'm sorry about the two friends that have died but so happy that they are with the Lord.
    I made tortilla chips yesterday and served them with a bean dip that I threw together. We actually ate our "supper" in front of the TV, something we rarely ever do.
    I wonder what pantry organizing helps you will find.
    I hope you have a lovely week. 💐💐💐

    1. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. Would you mind sharing your recipe for the bean dip? That sounds really good. We eat ours with a yummy salsa that I get from Thrive Market, but the bean dip sounds like a pleasant change.
      Well, the pantry organizing items I purchased will be going back to the store. I picked up two can organizing shelving units, but when they were put together, they didn't fit on my pantry shelves. They also took up more space than what I currently had. But I am getting things reorganized, using the containers I already had and it's looking much better. Hope to finish up that project today.

    2. I'd love to share my bean dip recipe except it wasn't a real recipe. I had the better part of a can of refried beans, some salsa and quite a bit of grated cheese. Melted it all together in the microwave. That's it.

    3. Well, that sounds easy enough! Thank you! I will let you know when I try it.

  6. Hello Dianna. Praying for your son-in-law and daughter during this difficult time they are going through. I'm praying for peace and comfort for both of them as this is such a sad time. I visited my stepdad today as I do fairly often, but I always feel a little sad after I leave as everything in the house reminds me of my mom and I think to myself - she should still be here with us. Her Gerbera Daisies are still blooming and I picked a few to bring home. She loved those flowers so much. They remind me of her. Your tortilla chips look so good! I haven't thought to use chili seasoning on them. I'll try it next time. Don't you just love Trader Joe's? I sure do. I find so many neat things every time I go there. Have a nice evening!

    1. Your mom would be pleased that you took some of the Daisies home to enjoy. Praying for you, my friend. And thank you for your prayers.

  7. silence is golden! my grands were here and it was noisy! I miss them but not the chaos that much, lol. those chips look delicious!!!

    1. I understand what you are saying about silence being golden. I always missed the noise after the littles would go home. It was too quiet.
