Books read in 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Turnips...Are you a fan?

 Strongheart recently came to the house in search of a quarter.  When I asked him what he was going to do with it, he said he wanted to use it as a point of reference for the size of the turnip that he'd just dug.

Here you see the top view of the turnip with the quarter on the upper left side of it.
(Isn't the green top lovely?  I love the design!)

Here is the view from the front with the quarter in front of it.

This was without a doubt the largest of the turnips that he grew this year.
He's been enjoying some of the smaller ones. 
They give me heartburn, so I don't partake, but he took this HUGE one to church to give to a friend on Sunday.  People were amazed at its size.


  1. Amazing! Although I can't say I'm a fan. I've made them before and mashed them like mashed potatoes. But they tend to stink up the kitchen. This one should be entered into a fair!

    1. You know, someone at church said that same thing Sunday...entering it in a fair.

  2. My goodness what a turnup! I'm not a fan... LOL!

    1. LOL...I think it's something that you have acquire a taste for. I don't mind the taste as much as I dislike having heartburn after eating it.

  3. Wow! That is a big one! And I have never noticed the pretty design of the greenery on top. I can't say I am a fan of either turnips or turnip greens, but I am sure the recipient loved it.

    1. I wish he would have weighed it...just for the fun of it. I hadn't noticed the design before either. He cut the top off, but it certainly left that beautiful mosaic looking design.

  4. Pretty photos but a definite no to turnips!

  5. Ha! That is huge! I haven't had a lot of experience with turnips. I think I used a combo of turnips, parsnips and one other root veggie in a dish like scalloped potatoes once and do remember that it was good. Happy day to you!

    1. That sounds like a very interesting dish, Ellen. The sweetness of the parsnips would take away a bit of the bite from the turnip. Thank you for mentioning that.

  6. Nice photo but not a fan of turnips at all.

    1. I understand, Bill! It's definitely not something that everyone likes.

  7. I love turnips. I roast them with onions, potatoes, carrots, sausage and peppers. Delicious. Can't say I've ever thought much about the green top on them though. :)

    1. I've been giving Carroll a blow-by-blow report on how many people like turnips as I checked the blog at different times today. He was surely happy when I read him yours. Thank you for sharing how you fix them. I am going to write that down and stick it in my recipe binder so that next year, I can give it a try. It sounds delicious! And truly...if he hadn't cut the green tops off the turnip, I wouldn't have noticed the design either. :)

  8. Nope! I am not a fan of turnips.

  9. I don't think I've ever eaten turnip. People seem to either like it or hate it, no in between.
    When I saw the first picture I thought it was some exotic flower!! GM

    1. I think you are right about it's a vegetable that people either really like or really dislike.
      I'll be sure and tell Strongheart about the exotic flower that he grew. :)

  10. I can eat them if they are in a soup with lots of other things.

    1. I will pass that information along to my husband. I really liked Happy K's way of roasting them with other veggies and sausage, but when I mentioned it to my husband, he said he only likes turnips raw. I've enjoyed learning how people feel about turnips! :)
