Books read in 2024

Monday, January 6, 2025

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: 6 January 2025

AROUND ME:  Beautiful white snow!  We currently have about six inches of snow, and it is forecast that we will have another six inches before today is over.

I AM PONDERING:  how fun it is to listen to the "Littles" next door having fun playing in the snow and sled riding down a steep bank.  Love hearing their laughs!

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: being inside with a fire in the woodstove...especially when it's a dreary day outside.  As we say around here, "Just because it's dreary outside doesn't mean it has to be dreary inside. " :)

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:   The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes  I'm making a bit of progress on this read.  I have read a few other books in between but have been making a lot of progress in this particular book.  I've promised myself that before I start any other reading, I will finish this one!

I AM THANKFUL FOR: my husband, my Redeemer, my Nurse Practitioner, our Pastor and his wife, my Bible, beautiful white flakes of snow, the men who work with our State Department of Highways who diligently work to keep our road clear in bad weather.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  The road we take to church is a country road (like many in West Virginia that are full of turns and curves) so we see pasture fields and enjoy keeping track of the cattle in the fields.  I recently noticed a bull that had a white W on its body.  Strong Heart explained to me that the person had bought the bull at a recent West Virginia University Wardensville Bull Testing Station.  The W that I saw was their way of freeze branding and I now understand what freeze branding is.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I don't have much to report in this area with pictures.  During the Christmas holidays I did do a bit of baking...and some of it is still in the freezer.  One traditional cookie that I make every year at Christmas is the German spice cookie Lebkuchen.  I just didn't take pictures this year.

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  True friends such as these two pictured below.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:   Laundry and plant care.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 


  1. I'm so glad to see you back here! Even though we have no snow here, I am so thankful for warm homes and feeling cozy. You have been working on the Sibbes book for some time! I have books I pick up and put down as well. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you, Friend. It's great to be back! Warm homes are such a blessing this time of the year, and with our temps next week being in the teens for the highs, a warm home will be appreciated even more. Yes...I have been working on The Conflict of the Soul with Itself for quite a while...but considering the title, it probably explains why. I've learned a lot, but there's also been conviction because how he uses Scripture for everything to illustrate his points. That's not a bad thing because it leads to confession and forgiveness and a deeper relationship with our Father. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  2. happy new year! merry Christmas! So glad to see you. We have a preschool behind our property past the woods and I love to hear them play at recess outside. It's the best sound ever.

    1. Thank you, my friend! It's great to be back. How fun that you have a preschool behind your property past the woods! The laughter of children is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. xx

  3. There is so much to be thankful for!
    I never heard of freeze branding. Now I have to look that up.
    I hear you have a fun gathering coming up with some special blog friends. I told Terri I'm jealous!

    1. Yes, Mari, there certainly is so much to be thankful for.
      In my mind, the freeze branding sounded less cruel to the animal than the regular branding. But then I'm not an expert. I guess that's something else I could learn if I were to ask Strong Heart. :)

  4. It's lovely to see that you're back!!!! It sounds like you're living in a Winter Wonderland. Having grown up with snowy cold winters now that I'm here on the west coast we don't even get snow every year and I kind of miss it. I love to watch snow fall. Happy New Year !

    1. Thank you, GM, for your kind words. It's great to be back. Yes, we are in a Winter Wonderland for sure! :) By tomorrow we should be somewhere around 10 inches or maybe a little more. It is beautiful and I'm so thankful that we are able to stay in and enjoy it by looking out the window. I'm especially thankful that Strong Heart is retired and doesn't have to cross the mountain in weather conditions like this. WVU actually closed some of their medical facilities today. Happy New Year to you as well, my friend.

  5. Dianna, it is just lovely to see you posting again...and was delight to have you stop by my own blog this afternoon! I do hope your blog break was a blessing and just the refreshing that you needed. The snow today has been very pretty, hasn't it? But I am surprised that very few (well, none actually) kiddos have been outside playing. I was surprised. I suppose school will be closed tomorrow - maybe then?? I loved your list of thankful things...and, yes, I need to say thanks for those working so hard to get/keep our roads clean. Happy Monday to you - and welcome back:)

    1. Hello Jennifer! Thank you so much for your kind words. It's good to be back! The break was a blessing and refreshing. It gave me time to do what I wanted to do to prepare for Christmas in a leisurely fashion and just enjoy everything.

      Yes, the snow is very pretty. Our "littles" next door wasn't out today playing in the snow either. I think it had something to do with the cold temps and periods of sleet, etc. that we had. The blessing in the other day when they were out sledding was that their mom was out there with them, having just as much fun as the kiddos were.

      Great to reconnect...thanks for stopping by.

  6. So nice to see you back posting again.
    Always enjoy your posts.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It's wonderful to be back posting again. You are so kind! xx

  7. Welcome back, Dianna. So nice to see a post pop up from you. I love your list of thankfuls. Amen to never to old to learn. Whoa! That's a lot of snow and I understand the joyful noises you hear from kids enjoying that white stuff! Happy 2025 to you!

  8. So glad you are back! Sounds like a lot of snow. Up here in the northern panhandle we on got a total of 3 inches. I guess it went south of us. Take care and enjoy your warm home! Brenda

    1. Hello Brenda! I could send you some snow if you like! :) Have you started blogging yet? Please be sure and let me know when you do so I can come read at your place! xx

  9. Good to see you here again! As far as I am concerned, you can have all the snow. :-) We usually get some in January and February. I agree about dreariness--it's been really dreary outside, cold and overcast. During the holidays, when family was here, it was too busy to notice the outside much. Now with just the two of us and a quieter schedule, I try to keep my focus on the good things inside to do, read, listen to, and think about.

    1. Strong Heart measured this afternoon in an area that wasn't affected by the strong winds we'd been having. Our total was 8 inches. We are used to it, but I wouldn't mind having a bit warmer temperature. :)

  10. Nice to see you posting.
    Sending my good wishes for 2025.

    All the best Jan
