Books read in 2024

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Header and the Blog

 Hello Friends! 

 I'm easing back into this world of blogging this week with excitement.

I thought I would share a bit about the header on the blog today.

I had mentioned to a friend that, as much as I loved my old header,

I was just ready for something different for the season.

I described a snowy winter scene and had it all pictured in my mind.

Then I went to photos so I could choose a winter scene, 

but couldn't really find one that I liked.

In doing so, I discovered this old header from when I blogged 

several years ago.

As I studied the images on the header, 

I came to the conclusion that it was a perfect header for this time of the year.

The beginning of a new year often brings new viewers to the blog.

I thought this picture would give viewers a look into who the author of this blog is.

I truly enjoy flowers, family, cooking and baking, and garden produce!

This picture for the header says it all...

including the name of the blog,

because TRUE JOY is found in HIS Presence!



  1. I do like your header, and I think it speaks of you very well. The free online header maker I used to use isn't free any longer so I'm not sure how I'll do any more. Your header is so cheery especially on a cold day here.

    1. Thank you, my friend. I looked and looked for a free online header maker...and there were some that came up as "free", but in the end there was still a fee.

  2. I really like this header! It says a lot about you, and it also shows the promise of Spring!

    1. Thanks, Mari! I made this one probably 10 or 12 years ago, but it's still "me".

  3. Your header is very inviting and draws me to want to read more. You did a great job creating this...Happy Tuesday...stay warm

    1. Thank you, Shug. You are so kind. We are staying's YOU that I've been wondering about today as I've watched weather forecasts and the COLD temps and possibly snow in some parts of your state! Stay warm, my friend.

  4. Seeing the bright flowers in the header during this cold and snowy season makes me smile.

    1. Thank you, Willow. I'm glad it brought a smile to your face. :) xx

  5. How nice to find a new header already made in an old one! This does look like it represents you well. I agree with Willow, the flowers are nice to see this time of year.

    1. Thanks, Friend. I had totally forgotten about this one when I was searching through pictures.

  6. Fun! I'm glad you found your old header and it is just right for this season. Joy and blessings to you.

  7. It is beautiful and perfect for this time of year! :)

    1. Thank you, Karen, for your kind words. It's all the things I love being involved with.

  8. I like the 'new' header :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Hello Dianna. Welcome back to blogland. I'm so happy to see you back in this space, dear friend. I love your header! It's so pretty and cheerful, and it makes me smile. The Christmas cactus especially brings a smile to my face. My stepdad texted me a picture yesterday of my mom's gorgeous pink Christmas cactus in bloom. They remind me of her as she loved them.❤️ You and I enjoy a lot of the same things. And you are right! True Joy is found in HIS Presence!.🙏

    1. Hello Julia. Thank's been good to be back. Thank you for your kind words regarding my header. The cactus in the header is one that I started from a couple of slips off a cactus that my mother-in-law had for a long time. My husband remembers it from his childhood. I never remembered seeing it bloom until the Christmas after she passed away. I was taking care of it when we visited my father-in-law on a regular basis, but someone else must have been doing the same thing. :) It looked to be on its last leg when I clipped off a couple of slips. I just rooted them in water and then planted them in a pot. It's bloomed every year. I'm amazed at how much it has grown from those two little slips.
