Books read in 2024

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Violent Take It by Force ~ a book review


The Violent Take It By Force by Matthew D. Taylor is a well written and thoroughly researched and documented writing dealing with issues that I have heard a little about, but didn't know a lot of detail concerning them.  I first saw this book reviewed HERE and the book immediately went on my Amazon wish list and purchased shortly thereafter.

My review will be in a bit of a different format than Lisa's, but I believe you will find both reviews cover the same basic topics.  I'm doing my review based on things that I have learned about different categories that "filled in the gaps" for me concerning things that I was unsure of.  It was definitely an "enlightening" experience for both me and for Strong Heart.


Christian Nationalism
New Apostolic Reformation


Christian Nationalists
NAR (New Apostolic Reformation)
Independent Charismatics


Apostolic and & Prophetic Movement
Burn 24-7
Hold the Line
Jesus Movement
Seven Mountains Mandate
Cyrus Anointing
the Appeal to Heaven flag


Paula White
Cindy Jacobs
C. Peter Wagner (developer of the NAR)
Lance Wallnau
Che' Ahn
Chuck Pierce
Dutch Sheets and his son Tim Sheets

Sean Feucht (protest on the Golden Gate Bridge during COVID, Jesus Movement, ran for a Congressional office and lost, currently leads the worship at Bethel Church)

Numerous Prominent Political Leaders who have had or currently do hold office (let me just say that I was shocked at some of the names because the people are quite prominent in our government).

I have only one quote that I want to share from the book by Matthew D. Taylor because I believe it is a perfect summation of his reasoning for writing the book.

"This is a Christian problem, and we Christians cannot let ourselves off the hook or pretend that confronting toxic Christianity is someone else's job.  It is our civic and, dare I say, our moral responsibility to face this anti-democratic radicalization, which has moved out of the fringe of American Christianity and become part of the carpet."

This isn't an easy book to read, not because of the language of the book, but because it's so hard to imagine how far off people's actions can get when Scripture is misinterpreted.  

Would I recommend this book?  ABSOLUTELY!  I think it should be required reading for anyone who genuinely believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and carries His name.  If you, the reader, care about the democratic process of our country, I highly recommend you read this book, whether you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ or not.

Did the book scare me?  Let's say that it awakened me to what is taking place and why there's been such a shift of culture in our country over the last 20 years, subtle at first, but these last eight years or so there's been a huge shift...why things like the insurrection on January 6 was allowed to occur.  But let me be clear, I do have HOPE...and my HOPE lies in the fact that God is Sovereign and He has a plan.  Sometimes He uses people who do not know Him to fulfill that plan.  There's certainly plenty of evidence in the Bible to prove that He does that.  

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