Books read in 2024

Monday, February 3, 2025

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: 3 February 2025

AROUND ME:  There's been a good bit of flooding going on in our beautiful state of West Virginia due to the warmer temperatures melting all of the snow as well as all of the rain we've been having.  We've not had any right around us, but there are several counties where the flooding is bad.

I AM PONDERING: how God gives us such beauty in the dead of winter to enjoy!

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS homemade jams...gooseberry and red raspberry

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:  Jack's Life by Douglas Gresham

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  my hard-working husband who has been putting in time, energy, and money into improving our bathroom.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARNthat a positive outlook is contagious!


Breakfast Burritos


This picture is courtesy of Pinterest,
but I love old salt glaze stoneware!



TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: Making a bit of jam, spending the remainder of the day with Strong Heart.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 


  1. love your quote! and you've been busy in the kitchen! I am playing catchup today and hope to be resting in the afternoon.

    1. I love making jam and jelly...especially in the winter.

  2. I really did enjoy "Jack's Life". You'll enjoy it.
    Lots of yummy jam! That should get you through the winter and beyond.
    I didn't know about the flooding in WV. I'm glad you're not having to deal with all that.
    I'm imagine you'll be happy when the bathroom renovation is done but how nice that will be!

    1. I have one chapter left, which I will probably finish tonight.

      The jam I made last week is just the beginning...this week, I will make enough to finish out my "Christmas Jam" for our church family and then do more jams and jellies for us. I give away more than we actually use ourselves.

      Strong Heart has done such a good job with everything he's done in the bathroom. I'm so blessed. He will begin laying the new flooring tomorrow.

  3. That verse from Deuteronomy is so comforting and encouraging. I'll be interested in your review of 'Jack's Life'. Pass me a breakfast burrito, please, and a jar of jam! :)

    1. Yes, it is definitely a comforting verse, Ellen. "Jack's Life" is SUCH a good book! If we only lived closer, you would have some of each. :) xx

  4. Look at all that jam! Such a pretty sight!
    Bob just finished Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham - a story of his childhood. He said it was very good.
    That's such a comforting verse from Deuteronomy. I need to have a favorite verse to share at our night with the Pastor's wife this week and that one's on my list. There are so many! :)
    Have a nice day with Strongheart!

    1. Thank you, Mari, for your kind words. I think making jam/jelly is one of my most favorite things to preserve.
      I read Lenten Lands last year. It really is a good book...especially because it was written by Douglas.
      It's hard to pick just one "favorite" verse, isn't it?
      And, we did have a nice day out today.

  5. Love the quote and the scripture verse. I've never heard of gooseberry jam.. I am guessing it s amazing. Sure hoping you all do not have any issues from all the flooding. So many things happening all across our Country...Enjoy the day..

    1. Hi Shug! Gooseberry isn't all that common here, it's more of something from the U.K. but we really enjoy it. We took a drive this afternoon and the water was definitely up in places, especially compared to what it was during the summer, but it was all in its banks, so we were good.

  6. I need to put Jack's Life on my to-read list. I like different kinds of jams and jellies but don't use them much due to blood sugar issues (not diabetic but slightly elevated). Apple butter is probably my favorite, with apricot a close second.

    What a pretty flower. Is it an amaryllis?

    1. Barbara, you really should put Jack's Life on your list. You will thoroughly enjoy it. We don't eat a whole lot of jam either, but I love making it and we have all of the fruit in the freezer. There are a few ladies at church who really enjoy jam and jelly, so I love to share with them.

      Yes, that's an Amaryllis. I'm so pleased with how it has produced. This is the second time it's bloomed and since I took the picture that I posted here, it has opened a second bloom on it.

  7. Thanks for the Deuteronomy verse. Perfect timing for me today.:)

    1. You are welcome for the verse in Deuteronomy, my friend. Praying for you. xx

  8. You have been busy in your kitchen, a nice lot of jam.

    "a positive outlook is contagious!"
    I like these words :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan. I love making jam. I've not learned that phrase totally, but I'm definitely working on it. :) xx
