Monday, September 30, 2024

From My Journal

TODAY IS: September 29, 2024

AROUND MEWe have a fun little trip planned for today.  We are going to an Amish community about 45 minutes from us in PA to get some apple cider and our year's supply of Pure Maple Syrup.  Then it's home to make some bread for the freezer.

I AM PONDERING: this quote by J. C. Ryle..."Christian, receive your trials, crosses, and conflicts patiently; bear them quietly; look upward, forward, onward, and far behind them.  Fight your daily fight under a steadfast conviction that it is only for a little while, and that rest is not far off." 


This sweet mug for autumn!


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes

A Place for Weakness by Michael S. Horton

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  Strongheart.  He can do most anything that needs attention around the house.  Last week he installed a tub surround in our bathroom.  Walking in there now feels like a totally different place!


You may remember that we had our third bloom of our Shitake mushrooms last week.
Instead of freezing all of them like I did with the second bloom, 
I decided to use some to make some cream of mushroom soup.
Oh my!
If you have never done that, you really should.
As Strongheart said, "It's definitely better than Campbell's".

SOMETHING I AM THANKFUL FOR:   We will be enjoying the company of our son and daughter-in-law from Maine starting on Saturday evening!  It will be a short visit because they will leave early on Thursday morning to make the trip back to Maine, but we are so thankful for any time that we get to spend with them...and that they are willing to make that long drive (14 hours).  He's doing it because we will celebrate my birthday while they are here. 

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Making the trip to Springs PA for apple cider and syrup and making some bread for the freezer, in preparation for our family's visit.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. I like your Fall mug, and that soup mug too! Bob doesn't like mushrooms, but I bet I would love the soup.
    I love that your Maine kids are coming. Something wonderful to look forward too and a testimony of how they love their mom!
    I'm leaving soon for my annual mammogram. I always go with my sister and we get lunch afterward; it makes this a little more fun!

  2. I love your coffee cup and your mug of soup! I hope you have the recipe that you used! :) Thanks to you my kitchen gets a little use! LOL!!
    Our birthdays are both in October! Mine is Wednesday Oct 2nd. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family! Happy birthday sweet friend!!

  3. It sounds like you have a wonderful day planned! I love Pure Maple Syrup and use it often. We go through a lot of maple syrup at our house. I love to use it in my baking in place of sugar. I also have a wonderful chili recipe that uses maple syrup and pumpkin. If you'd like I'd be happy to send it to you. And how exciting to have your son and his wife planning to visit this weekend. Definitely something fun to look forward to! Your mushroom soup looks delicious by the way. Oh, and I love your mug!

  4. That mug is so cute. How fun to have your family come visit for your birthday! An early happy birthday to you!

  5. I know you are excited for your family to come visit. And they will be there on your birthday, as well! The mug is so cute. Enjoy your trip to get the apple cider and honey! Your area must really showing off some colors by now. The cream of mushroom soup looks so good! I know Strongheart really appreciates it. Have a great week preparing for your family!
