Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Just a Note

 Even though Thanksgiving Day is behind us, we can still make a conscious effort to be mindful of our blessings on a daily basis...especially with the celebration of the birth of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ coming up in just a few weeks!

I just wanted to say that I am thankful for EACH of You who read here.  I appreciate your faithfulness because I know that this is just a very wee space on the internet and you could certainly be reading a lot of other places.

Beginning on Friday, I will only be posting on Mondays and Fridays through the month of December.  Christmas is coming and there is much to do, but I don't want to do it in a rush, but rather I want to take my time and enjoy each aspect of it.  There's much more to celebrating Christmas than the presents and get togethers and all of the other trimmings.  For me, it's a time to reflect on and draw closer to the Lord through Advent devotions as well as just spending more time in prayer and Bible study.  

See you on Friday! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Hearty Turkey Stew


Picture courtesy of Pinterest

Before Thanksgiving I found this recipe through a lady I watch on YouTube.  I kept it in mind for the leftover turkey I knew we would have and gave it a try today.  It was SO delicious!  I thought I would share the recipe with you...because we all want to share goodness with others, right?

Hearty Turkey Stew

4-5 strips of bacon, diced
1 leek
2 carrots cut into large pieces
2 stalks celery diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp. flour, heaped
4 cups chicken or turkey stock
2 cups cooked turkey or chicken
2 potatoes, large cut into large pieces
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves or 1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tbsp. fresh chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup heavy cream (optional)

Cook bacon in a large Dutch Oven over medium heat.  Drain excess bacon fat but 2 tbsp.  Add sliced leeks, carrots, celery and thyme and cook for 5 minutes over medium low heat, add minced garlic and cook for 1 minute longer.

Add 2 heaped tablespoons of flour and mix, then add the stock gradually scaping down the bottom of the pot, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper to taste.

Add 2 potatoes in large chunks, turkey, bay leaves and cook uncovered in a preheated 350 F oven for 45 minutes.

Once the stew is cooked, stir in heavy cream, if desiered.  Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.


If you don't care for leeks, you can totally leave them out.  Strongheart grows our leeks and I freeze them for use in winter soups.  So I did use leeks and it was really good.

Potatoes...We do not keep white potatoes in the house now, but I had sweet potatoes aplenty from what Strongheart grew in the garden.  So, I used those and it also was really good.

Oven...if you don't want to put this in the oven for the 45 minutes or you don't have a Dutch Oven or pot that you can put in the oven, the lady on YouTube just cooked her potatoes separately on the stove and added them in at the end and then cooked everything on the stove top for about 20-25 minutes or until the veggies are all tender.

"Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, November 27, 2023

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  27 November 2023

AROUND ME:  It's a rainy Monday morning and the beginning of a busy week for us.  

I AM PONDERING:  this article and this article.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  Good food and fellowship with loved ones.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYINGgilead by Marilynne Robinson.  This was part of a birthday gift from our son and daughter-in-law.  I'm enjoying the story line so far.  It's a collection of letters that a father (who is the third generation of his father's side who is in the pastorate), who appears to be dying, is writing for his young son.  I'm only on page 36 so I don't have a lot of information past that at this point.

I AM THANKFUL FOR the seasons of the year that God gives us so graciously.  We've had the HOPE of spring, the JOY of warmth and sunshine in summer, the inkling of His GLORY in the beautiful colors of autumn and now we are moving on to the AMAZEMENT of winter.  It can be so bleak but it can also be cozy.  

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  something new from Scripture.  One of the things I enjoy about God's Word is that I can read it time and time again and each time, the Holy Spirit, in His kindness, shows me something new that I had missed when I read before.

FROM THE KITCHEN: Turkey Soup and cornbread

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  This yellow cactus that my cousin started for me several years ago had its first bloom open up on Thanksgiving morning to greet me.


You can find this here

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: sheets, towels, dental appointment, plant care.  My Monday schedule doesn't vary much.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Mushroom Growing

 In yesterday's post about the Creamy Bacon Mushroom Soup I mentioned that a year ago Strongheart had started growing our mushrooms.  I remembered that I had taken a few pictures of the steps he went through to get the process started. 

He began by measuring and drilling holes across the log.

Next he took one of the mushroom plugs

and hammered it into the holes he had drilled.

He then took the logs into the woods and arranged them.  There normally is not much of a harvest, if any at all, the first year.  So we were very pleased that we were actually able to enjoy some this year.  He "planted" two different varities...Shitake and Lion's Mane.  The Shitake are the ones we've been enjoying.  Lion's Mane do not produce the first year so we are looking forward to being able to enjoy those this coming summer.  Mushrooms are a good anti-inflammatory food, especially the Lion's Mane, which is why he started this adventure to begin with.  

In case you aren't familiar with what a Lion's Mane mushroom looks like here is a picture from the internet.

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; as with the green plant , I give all to you."
Genesis 9:3

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Creamy Bacon Mushroom Soup

 A year ago Strong Heart started several logs of mushrooms.  We didn't really expect to harvest any at all this year, especially with the dry start we had to our summer.  While the harvest hasn't been huge, we have been able to enjoy several late summer and autumn.  When I saw this recipe for Creamy Bacon Mushroom Soup I decided to give it a try.  It was SO good that I wanted to share it here in case anyone else enjoys mushrooms and would like to try it.

Creamy Bacon Mushroom Soup

Photo courtesy of Taste of Home

10 bacon strips, diced

1 pound sliced fresh mushrooms

1 medium onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 quart heavy whipping cream

1 can (14.5 oz.) chicken broth

1-1/4 cups shredded Swiss cheese

3 Tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

3 Tablespoons cold water

Minced fresh parsley, optional


In a large saucepan, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp.  Using a slotted spoon, remove to papertowels; drain, reserving 2 Tablespoons drippings.  In the drippings, saute mushrooms and onion until tender, 5-7 minutes.  Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer.  Stir in cream and broth; bring mixture to a simmer.  Gradually stir in cheese until melted.

In a small bowl, combine cornstarch, salt, pepper and water until smooth.  Stir into soup.  Bring to a boil; cook and stir for about 2 minutes or until thickened.  Garnish with bacon and, if desired, parsley.

Monday, November 20, 2023

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  20 November 2023

AROUND ME:  The clock is ticking away, the refrigerator is humming, and Strongheart just left for the first day of deer hunting season.

I AM PONDERING:  this article and this article

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  Connecting with friends and family through letters, emails, or phone.  It's always special.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING Logic on Fire which is a combination of a book which includes four sermons and also a 3 disc documentary on the life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  Excellent!

I AM THANKFUL FOR Jesus who loved me and gave Himself for me.  Galatians 2:20

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  The names of the different types of Woodpeckers that come to our backyard to enjoy some suet.  

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I'm thinking along the lines of steak, baked sweet potato, and green beans.  I want a good hardy meal for Strongheart this evening since he'll be out in the woods all day.  (And it's currently 27 degrees F).

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  More blue and white.

You can find this here

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER:  "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything." 
G.K. Chesteron

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: sheets, towels, organize the pantry.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Meaningful Links

 I've been thinking lately on some things pertaining to Scripture and its application to our daily lives.  

In the process, I came across this post by Tim Challies that I found rather thought provoking.  Are You a "Yeah, But..." Christian? explores just how literally we take what God says in His Word when He tells us to love our enemies (among many other things).  I found it an article definitely worth reading.

Another thought provoking post that I found this week is one that I found at Homeward Bound.  This is a blog that I have started following just since I returned to blogging.

When I was blogging before in prior years I was part of a Bible memory group, Hide His Word, which was lead by Lisa, whom I have known for many years now.  When I quit blogging I didn't stay up with it as much and I have missed that.  The group now meets on Facebook, but since I am no longer on Facebook I have been trying to do something on my own.  When I read here today I was led to a list of Kindle deals and saw one on Scripture memory that sounded really good.  I'm currently reading it on the Kindle Cloud and it's really good.  Memorizing Scripture: The Basics, Blessings and Benefits of Meditating on God's Word looks to be a very helpful tool and is currently on sale for a VERY good price!

My friend Melanie of Simple Amazing Grace blog sent me this link to a YouTube video.  It's a podcast interview that Alisa Childers did with Joni Eareckson Tada on her 50 years of suffering.  It's a very real glimpse into just a fraction of the pain that Joni lives with and a very touching testimony.

If you enjoy viewing links consider visiting another blogging friend, Barbara at Stray Thoughts blog on Saturdays.  She does a post each weekend titled Laudable Linkage where she shares a lot of different links to meaningful articles she has read over the week.  As a matter of fact, it was through reading her Laudable Linkage that I was introduced to Tim Challies.

I hope the time you have spent here today has been a blessing for you!

"But his delight is in the law of Yahweh, and in His law he meditates day and night"

Psalm 1:2

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Just a few thoughts

 I've come across a few passages from the two books that I have been reading that I would like to share in this space today.

The first three come from 

I have heard a few times recently that this following quote is credited to Alistair Begg, but in this book written jointly by him and his dear friend Sinclair Ferguson, it is stated that as boys in Sunday School their teachers reminded them constantly that the Bible is a book all about Jesus.  The principle that was taught is:

"In the Old Testament Jesus is predicted.

 In the Gospels Jesus is revealed.

In the Acts of the Apostles Jesus is preached.

 In the Letters Jesus is explained.

 In the book of Revelation Jesus is expected." 


Another quote from the same book is, "As Christians we must learn to think properly, biblically.  Then we may watch CNN or BBC News, or read the New York Times, or make our way through the Wall Stree Journal without joining the ranks of the gloomy or singing in the choir of the fearful.  To be in Christ is mind stretching and life transforming.  It is a mind-altering experience to bow before the authority of what is said concerning this cosmic Christ, who reigns over all.  It changes our perspective on everything."

And one more from the same book is, "We may learn to begin the day affirming that "Christ is King, Jesus is Lord!" It is important to develop the practice of affirming central gospel truths as we waken to the new day, saying to ouorselves, "The Lord God omnipotent reigns.  This is the (whatever day it is); today the Lord God omnipotent reigns.  Yes, I saw the New York Times before I went to sleep last night.  I did look at the BBC report before I went to bed last night.  I saw all about Gaza.  I saw so much to disturb and distress.  But Christ reigns from the beginning of the day to its end - every single day of my life."  I thought that quote was so good in light of all of the news we are bombarded with during these times, whether it be fake news or real news.

And then just a few thoughts from

I have read some books about having a thankful heart that I've put back on the shelf because they were basically a one, two, three step process that focused on the outward thing we were thankful for without really taking us back to the Giver of the things.  This book does not fall into this category.  While it does have a "Put into Practice" at the end of each chapter, it builds on the previous and it always takes us back to God who is the Giver of all good things.

In Chapter Three, Thanksgiving: An Anchor Through the Storm such emotions as anxiety, discontentment and disappointment, discouragement and weakness, distance from God, and joylessness are addressed.

"A quick scroll through social media can leave us stuck in the pit of discontement...  If discontement has its list of disappointments we feel, create a separate list of what we believe to be true by faith.  Thank God for the blessing we do have, for His good and wise plan, His timing in releasing His grace and gifts, and His faithfulness in every season....When in doubt, list them out."

"Whatever you're walking through, God has not changed.  He is still our helper and strength.  By giving thanks for who He is, and reviving our weary soul by recalling God's faithfulness, thanks leads the way to trust and trust leads the way to hope." 


And then in the same chapter under A defensive and offensive weapon comes the last quote that I share today.

"By finding reasons to give thanks, we uproot lingering discontentment.  As we connect blessings to God as the source, our faith is fueled by knowing He's present and active.  By expressing thanksgiving, it allows time for gratitude to deepen and push out grumbling from our heart.  And as we reflect on God through thanksgiving, we know Him better." 

"Oh give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good, for His lovingkindness endures forever."

1 Chronicles 16:34 





Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Who Likes Surprises?

 I don't know about you, but I, for one, LOVE surprises!  And that was exactly what I was given last week.  

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a dear blogging friend asking for my address because she had something that she wanted to send me.  I've "known" Ellen who blogs at The Happy Wanderer for several years from when I have blogged so I had no problem sending her my address, but I couldn't begin to think what it was she wanted to send me.

As it turns out, this dear lady pays attention when she reads my blog!  The package arrived at the end of last week.  She had warned me that she had packed it well...which only added to the mystery.  She could always get a job at a professional packing place because she had this treasure wrapped beautifully.

She saw my post about the history of my Blue Willow dishes that my cousin had given me this summer and she went to her own collection and shared this one with me.

After doing a bit of research under "Blue Willow plate...Alfred Meakin" I realized that it was what was referred to as a "shallow bowl".  You can see in the above picture that it definitely doesn't have a flat edge like a plate does.

Because of the marking on the back of the bowl I am wondering how rare this piece might be.  Alfred Meakin had several different markings that were used at different times, but all of the pieces I found for sale online did not have this particular marking.  The majority of the ones I found had "Alfred Meakin England" written in cursive.  And I spent several hours searching for something with this particular mark.

Another thing that I noticed...and did not see on any of the ones I saw online that were for sale was the number.  On mine it is 4...which makes me wonder if it was a limited edition.
Everything I found online gave the same time frame...cir 1930.

It now has a new home there between two of the plates that my cousin gave me.  It makes me smile everytime I walk by the hutch.  

I asked Ellen about the story behind her gift.  She said she bought it at a thrift store and told me what the requirements were for her to purchase something.  The first was the mark on the back and if it had England as part of the marking it was a win...and the price had to be right.

Thank you again, Ellen, for your thoughtfulness.  I was deeply touched by the fact that you would go to the lengths that you went to, to share that beautiful piece of  Old Willow with me.

If you haven't yet met Ellen, please consider popping on over and saying hello to her.  

Monday, November 13, 2023

From My Journal


TODAY IS:  13 November 2023

AROUND ME:  Music is playing softly, the rain has stopped and the flowering pear tree outside the window is still full of beautiful hues of yellow and orange.

I AM PONDERING How rich God's Word He so profoundly makes His salvation clear from beginning to end.  Our study Wednesday night was SO rich as we studied a bit deeper on Christ's I AM the Door and Shepherd in John 10.  Psalm 23 expounds on it so beautifully.  A few verses I have enjoyed studying further in relation to the same subject at our pastor's encouragement are Genesis 49:24, Psalm 80:1, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34:1-10.  

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  A good book on a rainy day along with a cup of tea in a favorite mug.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING I am still reading Name Above All Names by Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson and The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks by Dustin Crowe.  So far in Name Above All Names, I've read about Jesus Christ, the Seed of Woman, Jesus Christ, the Prophet and Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest.  Such a rich study.  And it will take me a while to finish The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks because I am taking it slow and doing the "homework" at the end of each chapter.  The Lord is using this study to get me to dig deeper into His Word and find a deeper meaning of true thanksgiving.  

I AM THANKFUL FOR: for my husband who loves me unconditonally and is always there to help me with whatever needs to be done.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  I have one crocheting project going but it will soon be finished.  I would like to learn a new pattern.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  The menu for today will be White Bean Chopped Salad...a recipe from my anti-inflammatory cookbook.  For supper the plan is Veggie Supreme Pizza, another recipe from my anti-inflammatory cookbook.



TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Launder the bed linens and towels, plant care and washing down the front of the kitchen cabinets with Murphy's Oil Soap.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for a post about something that I was gifted!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thanksgiving Blooms


When we no longer are in danger of a frost in the spring
I take my cactus plants outside and put them on the picnic table.

I leave them there all through the spring and summer 
until the nights start getting cold in the fall.

When they come in the house,
I put them in one of the upstairs bedrooms where it is relatively dark.
Then when they begin to bud I bring them downstairs.
I brought this one down last week.

It is in need of being repotted after the first of the year 
because there is only one side of the plant that is blooming.

The story behind it is that this was started from a few leaves off of my 
mother-in-law's cactus that she had had since Strongheart 
was a boy.  
Hers sat in the kitchen and was huge but it just never bloomed...
the Christmas after she passed away.

I asked my father-in-law if I could take a few leaves from it so I could try and start a new one.
And it has bloomed every year since. 
It always blooms early
and most years by Christmas it is not longer blooming.
But we always think of Mom.

"the rain is over; it is gone.
the flowers have appeared in the land."
Song of Songs 2:11b-12a

I have a correction to make.  I originally had this post titled "Christmas Blooms".  When I visited my friend Granny Marigold I realized that what I have is not a Christmas cactus, but rather a Thanksgiving cactus.  She has a picture of how to identify the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter cacti .  It definitely makes sense because it always blooms in November but not in December.  Thank you, Granny M for sharing that bit of information.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A Book Recommendation


Our church has a book table in the vestibule that is filled with good reading material.
We can give a donation to the book fund,
or we can just take the book free of charge.

That is how I came across this book and I highly recommend it because of it's uniqueness in the author's approach to the subject of giving thanks.
It's definitely not a book that emphasizes writing down "gifts" in a journal.

There is a 30 day challenge of Scripture concentrated on thanksgiving.
There's also a putting into practice page at the end of each chapter.

The reason it appeals to me so much is because it is FULL of Scripture ...
a true look at the Biblical meaning of thanksgiving.

If you are interested you can find it HERE.

"Do all things without grumbling or disputing."
Philippians 2:14

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Strongheart's Scroll Work

 For those of you who have known me for a while, you may remember that Strongheart enjoys working with his scroll saw.  He started several years ago on a scroll saw that my cousin had given us.  That wore out and we bought a new one.  He used that for several years and it wore out too.  Last year he purchased another new one.  He puts it to good use...always thinking of people he can encourage with a piece of his handiwork.

Two years ago I started doing the anti-inflammatory diet to help deal with the fibromyalgia that I was diagnosed with almost 20 years ago.  The diet helped to reduce the inflammation so much that I was basically pain free.  

As a matter of fact, I was doing so much better that I asked my Nurse Practioner what she thought about me trying to get off the prescription medication I'd been on for many years for fibromyalgia.  She said she knew that I could do it. She gave me a schedule for how to pare it down and I was successful because of God's grace in being able to come completely off the medication.

During that time, Strongheart was so supportive of me.  The first two pictures are of his creations he made just for me because he knew that they would help me through a rough time.  

This is a bowl shaped basket that he made for me and he's made several of these now and passed them on to friends.

This basket is so unique.  It's one of my favorites that he's made.  A neighbor of ours ordered all of her Christmas gifts last year through Strongheart.  This was one of her favorites.

This is a small tray he made for me.  I love the simplicity of it .  He's made me a couple of larger trays as well.  All are treasures to me!

"How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You..."
Psalm 31:19