Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Power of Prayer

 I was sitting at the computer going through our photos, trying to pare down the number of photos that we want to keep.  I came across this.

I'm not sure where I got this little obviously came from a newspaper, but I just don't remember the circumstances surrounding my clipping it out, photographing it and downloading it to the computer.

Regardless of where it came from, or the circumstances surrounding it, I thought it was worth sharing.


  1. A great reminder. Prayer is powerful!

  2. Good Morning Dianna. Thank you for sharing this clipping. I totally believe in the Power of Prayer. I've seen this for myself. When Tucker had Leukemia, there were times when he was so much pain. People gathered in our home to pray over him and God answered. Numerous times, I have seen the movement of God when prayer warriors gather in prayer.

  3. I've seen this before but appreciate seeing it again and being reminded of the power of prayer. I think we take it for granted far too often.

  4. Worth sharing and worth being reminded of our privilege to pray to the God of the Universe! A prompt is a nice reminder to stop and pray. Happy first day of Spring to you, dear lady!!

  5. For whatever reason, I'm not able to respond to each comment individually. However, I want each of you to know that I so appreciate the time you give to visit me here each day. I know that many of you also keep me in prayer and I want to thank you for that.

  6. I copied this! It needs to go viral!

    1. Thanks, Donna. I think it's probably a clipping from the 80s or 90s.

  7. Thanks for sharing! Can you imagine if Christians would consistent and purposeful to pray for our country every day....what an impact it would make!
