Friday, December 22, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 18 December 2023
AROUND ME: The rain started last evening while we were at church for our Christmas fellowship dinner and has continued during the night. We have 6-10 inches of snow forecast for our area from some point this morning until tomorrow morning. I'm so thankful that it has been held off so that we could attend our church services yesterday.
I AM PONDERING: this quote by John Stott, "We should not ask, "What is wrong with the world?" for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, we should ask, "What has happened to the salt and light?"
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: Last week I shared about the German Lebkuchen tins that I put out every year and mentioned that I had two large ones and a middle sized one that I would share at another time. Today I will share the one that started the entire collection.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Be Encouraged
Monday, December 11, 2023
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 11 December 2023
AROUND ME: The house is quiet. Strongheart left with his muzzleloader around 5:30 this morning. There's a very light dusting of snow on the ground. The clock is ticking away the minutes. Very peaceful.
I AM PONDERING: how great the love of God is and the fact that, according to Scripture, He loves me with the same love that He loves Jesus.
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: These "angel" post cards were handmade for me many years ago, shortly after I started blogging. They were made by a lady in Germany named Doris. They are made of fabric and she wrote on the backs of them each year and mailed them to me.
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: God's High Calling for Women by John Mac Arthur and the Advent devotional Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson. I finished all of the books from last week, with the exception of the Advent devotional.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Be Encouraged
This week's "Be Encouraged" post is a bit different than they have been, but I trust that you will still find it to be encouraging AND thought provoking.
Each Friday Ligonier Ministries has a $5 sale and I recently took advantage of that by ordering a few books. One of them was by one of my "far away mentors" R. C. Sproul.
For those of you who may not know him, you can read about him here.
"So the obvious question is, What will you be doing when He comes? Will He find you faithful? Not casually or occasionally, but all the time? Christ has bought us for Himself, and He has given us a task to perform whether we can physically see Him or not. May He find us faithful when He comes."
"His master said to him, well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master."
Matthew 25:23 LSB
Monday, December 4, 2023
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 4 December 2023
AROUND ME: Although it isn't raining at the moment, we are predicted to have another rainy Monday! :) It's all good. We did our shopping the middle of last week, the house is decorated for Christmas, and we can just sit inside and enjoy the coziness that a rainy day brings with it.
I AM PONDERING: this article by Jacob Crouch on Dead Orthodoxy. It's so worth a read!
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: A day of shopping with my sweet husband.
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: I finished The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks by Dustin Crowe. What a wonderful book!
gilead by Marilynne Robinson. I've had a slow start to getting super interested in this book, but now that I'm further in, I'm enjoying it. I've found places that make me tear up because of the tenderness with which this man is writing to his son and then there are times when I have to chuckle...especially when he shares stories of his parents and his grandparents.
I'm also currently reading Sticks and Stones by Susan Meissner. This is a sequel to Widows and Orphans that I read previously. Rachel is a lawyer and while I enjoyed the first book, this second one is moving at a faster pace and is filled with suspense.
How Does God Change Us? by Dane C. Ortlund is the "condensed version" of Deeper by the same author. I already have Deeper...real change for real sinners and it is an excellent book. Both of these are put out through Union Publishing (Union School of Theology where Michael Reeves is President and Professor of Theology in the UK).
Last but definitely not least is Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson. It's an Advent devotional and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I've read several of Hannah's books and none have ever disappointed.
I also put out the nativity that my dear mother and I worked on painting. I'd commented to her one time that I would love to one day own a Lenox nativity and before I knew it, she had found a source where we could paint and have fired one that, in my humble opinion, is just as beautiful as the Lenox one. Plus I have the memories of the two of us sitting at my kitchen table late into the night working on it. My brother recently gave me the manger that Mother had always that made it even more special. The runner that is pictured was a Christmas gift to me that my oldest granddaughter made.
Friday, December 1, 2023
The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory by Tim Alberta is a book my son had mentioned to me, and it spiked my interest. The subtitle, ...
March 5, 1972 to March 5, 2025 Since I wasn't able to blog last week, I missed documenting a very important date in our lives. Strongh...
TODAY IS: 10 March 2025 AROUND ME: The temperatures this week sound amazing! That along with sunshine will make for some very cheerfu...