Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kielbasa Sausage Stew


Kielbasa Sausage Stew

Earlier this week when I posted this picture on the blog, 
I mentioned that it would appear again later in the week.

My friend Barbara from Stray Thoughts blog mentioned this stew a while back 
and I had commented about how good it sounded.

One day when I opened my email, 
I found she had sent me a link to the recipe that she'd had on her blog.

Last week when I was down with bronchitis I kept thinking about the stew,
and decided to make it.

Oh, my goodness!
The broth is so delicious that one might be tempted to drink it from the bowl.

If you would like to enjoy it as well,
HERE is the link to the recipe on Barbara's blog.

You will thank me.

You are welcome.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory ~ a book review


The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory by Tim Alberta is a book my son had mentioned to me, and it spiked my interest.  The subtitle, "American Evangelicals In An Age Of Extremism", along with the discussion that my son and I had, gave me an insight as to what the book was going to delve into.  

A while ago, you may remember that I did a review on The Violent Take It By Force by Matthew D. Taylor, which dealt with how our culture had changed to the point that something like January 6, 2021 could happen in America.

While that book did reference some denominations who were influential in attributing to the storm on our nation's capital, the focus was mainly on the events of January 6.

In The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory you will find something quite different, yet similar.  This book, well written and based on facts from interviews that this journalist (Tim Alberta ~ who is a Christian) did with a myriad of people from pastors to students in Christian institutions, to professors, to Christian college leadership, backs up the theme of the book dealing with American Evangelicals.

He deals with how politics has come into the Church through pastors who have given way to leading their congregants in the path of associating Christianity with one particular political party to the point that Politics has replaced Jesus in their churches.  He gives results of interviews that he has had with people who either were or are currently students in some of the high-profile Christian institutions, along with some of the professors who taught in these Christian colleges.  Tim Alberta also focused on the pressure that came down to these students and professors from the political leadership heads on these college campuses.  Many of them (both professors and students) were forced out because they refused to bow to the political power within the leadership.  The author does make it clear that there are still a lot of pastors who are dedicated to the preaching of the Truth and who put Jesus above politics, and he gives credit where credit is due.

If you choose to read this book, you will find at the core of the book's existence are two things, with the first being that politics is replacing Jesus in churches and Christian institutions and colleges all across America.  

Secondly, you will find that the main focus is that in many churches across America people who profess to be Christians are no longer willing to "love thy neighbor as thyself", as Christ commands us in the New Testament.  Rather, it is all about striking fear in people by putting a political party above the Lord Jesus Christ...the One Who suffered and died for our sins, rose again on the third day.

Would I recommend the book?  Yes, I would.  

Why would I recommend the book?  As I read through the 425 pages of the book, there were many things that brought back memories of experiences that our two children went through when they were in Christian colleges...especially our son.  Trust me, my friends, the things cited in this book are real.  Strong Heart and I left one of these types of churches three and a half years ago to worship in a totally different where we hear the Gospel preached and see our church family living out the commands of Christ.  We once again love and look forward to our opportunities to worship in God's house with like-minded Christians.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Fifty-three Years and Counting


March 5, 1972
March 5, 2025

Since I wasn't able to blog last week, I missed documenting a very important date in our lives.

Strongheart and I were married on his 21st birthday!
And he never forgets our anniversary. :)

But then he's very good at remembering dates.
Our first date was on February 13, 1971,
and he's never forgotten that.
In fact, we normally celebrate the 13th rather than
Valentine's Day.

Just wanted to document our special day here.

Monday, March 10, 2025

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: 10 March 2025

AROUND ME:  The temperatures this week sound amazing!  That along with sunshine will make for some very cheerful days, weather wise.

I AM PONDERING: verse two of His Loving Kindness...the hymn we sang in church yesterday.  I'll post the words below.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: Not that I would want to list these as my favorite things every week, but last week among my favorite things were OTC cold/allergy meds, antibiotics and cough medicine to take care of the bronchitis that I was diagnosed with last Monday morning.  Also, among my favorite things were all of the yummy breakfasts that Strong Heart made us each morning during that same time period.💖

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYINGThinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman and about to finish up The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory by Tim Alberta.

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  Strong Heart who took excellent care of me last week.  

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  just how important rest is when we are ill.


Kielbasa Sausage Stew
(more about this later in the week)

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY: when our grandkids remember us and give us a call.  It's always wonderful to connect with the younger generations.

QUOTE FOR THE WEEK: "A man who should live and die without trials would be like a setting sun without clouds: he would have scant opportunity for the display of those virtues with which the grace of God had endowed him." C.H. Spurgeon

SCRIPTURE FOR THE WEEK: "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit." Titus 3:5


"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:1

His Loving-kindness (verse 2)
He saw me ruined in the fall,
Yet loved me notwithstanding all;
He saved me from my lost estate;
His loving-kindness, O how great!