Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Sticks and Stones - a book review
Monday, January 29, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: January 29, 2024
AROUND ME: Inside the home it is nice and cozy...outside the ground is white again and the snow is still pouring down.
I AM PONDERING: how quickly the words of one person can spread across the internet. I'm also pondering how important it is that our words be full of grace.
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: this Scripture, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:6
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: The Gospel's Power and Message by Paul Washer, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, A Garden to Keep by Jamie Langston Turner and continuing on with this year's devotional Refreshment for the Soul by Richard Sibbes.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: my pastor who preaches the whole counsel of God expositionally and how God works through His Spirit and questions that I have are answered in the sermons that our pastor preaches.
NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: always check my ingredients before I start a recipe. I know that it is an elementary rule of cooking and baking, but sometimes when I clean out my cupboards I do it a bit too thoroughly.
FROM THE KITCHEN: I came across a recipe that I think would be fun to try just's called Cottage Pie Baked Potatoes. But then I think about the Cottage Pie recipe that my friend Lauren sent me from Scotland and it gives me second thoughts. I will let you know next week which I decided to do.
SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY: the fellowship of our brothers and sisters in Christ. It's such a blessing to be able to wallk up to a sister in Christ and say, "I need you to pray for me" and share a burden that's on my heart.
A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "Help me to take lightly this world's judgments and to take seriously your call and your cross." Elisabeth Elliot
TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: Laundry, ironing, plant care, catching up on a bit of correspondence and do some reading.
Friday, January 26, 2024
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Baked Halibut with Crispy Panko
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
The Things Memories Are Made Of
Anyone who has read here for any length of time knows the love and admiration that I have for my grandparents and that my parents, my two brothers and myself lived in the same home with my paternal grandparents. I thought it would be fun to share a bit with you about the home I grew up in.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
How Does God Change Us? - a book review
How Does God Change Us? by Dane Ortlund is a condensed version of his prior work, Deeper, Real Change for Real Sinners. I actually read Deeper a year ago and when I picked this current book up off the book table at church, I didn't realize at the time that it was a condensed version. I truly enjoy the writing of Dane Ortlund and knew it would be a good read. I'm so glad that I did. My copy is now highlighted in different colors of markers and underlined in ink. It's a rich book, even though it is less than 100 pages.
The book is divided into nine chapters that are about five pages long each. The one thing that the author stresses from the beginning is that this is NOT a SELF-HELP book with nine easy steps to going deeper in your relationship with Christ.
I think one reason the book spoke to me so deeply is because I was a part of a church for 20+ years that was rather legalistic. It focused more on the outward than the inward when it came to our walk with the Lord.
In the chapter titled "Union", on page 33 we find these words, "Your salvation in the gospel is far deeper, far more wondrous, than walking an isle or praying a prayer or raising a hand, or going forward at an evangelistic rally. Your salvation is to be united to the living Christ Himself." Please understand that I am not standing in judgement of people who come to Christ by the above mentioned ways, because there are some people who have been truly converted by one of those means. But what I am saying is that when I was in this legalistic church, I saw many people supposedly come to Christ who didn't darken the doors of the church again because there was no true conversion at the time of their "profession of faith".
In the chapter "Embrace" the author speaks of how with true conversion there is this embracing of us by Christ.
One thing that was so hard for me to wrap my mind around when circumstances brought about a move to a different part of the state and a different church, was the fact that the "performance based" way of Christianity that I had been sitting under for so many years wasn't what walking with the Lord was all about. Page 45 of this chapter on "Embrace" speaks perfectly of this subject... "The wrap around category of your life is not your performance, but God's love."
Along those same lines in the chapter titled "Supernaturalize", page 82 is this quote, "Authentic Christianity is not simply doing mechanically what God says, but enjoying God."
I have copied down so many quotes that I could share...and you may see them from time to time, but for now, I would like to close this review with a quote by John Newton.
"Looking unto Jesus is the object that melts the soul into love and gratitude."
You may have already guessed this, but I highly recommend this short well as the longer version Deeper...Real Change for Real Sinners.
Monday, January 22, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: January 22, 2024
AROUND ME: We've had our coldest night of all last night. Our morning temperature at 6:37 is 1 degree F. Brrr! I'm thankful for the warmer temps that are forecast for this week.
I AM PONDERING: God's mercy and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that it is because of His great love that we are not consumed for His compassions do not fail...they are new every morning. May His Name be praised!
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: The Gospel's Power and Message by Paul Washer, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, A Garden to Keep by Jamie Langston Turner and continuing on with this year's devotional Refreshment for the Soul by Richard Sibbes.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: A warm home on very cold days and colder nights, being able to stay at home when we have 14 inches of snow, Strongheart's insight in always preparing ahead with cutting firewood and his desire to take care of us.
NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: "Winging it" isn't always the best policy when it comes to my making up recipes. 😀
FROM THE KITCHEN: I want to try a new recipe this week...just haven't decided which one yet.
A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisified in Him. " John Piper
TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: Laundry, ironing, cleaning the kitchen window and washing the valances for that window. Once that is completed then I can put all of my plants that go on the shelves in that window back that I rescued from the cold temperatures of this past week.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Prayers Answered by Crosses
Friday, January 19, 2024
Be Encouraged
Do you ever ponder how the jobs that you find before you make a difference? Growing up the only thing that I ever wanted to be was a wife and a mom. Those were my two goals in life. God so graciously gave me both of those and threw in a lot of other gifts in the form of jobs as well. Two of those were teaching teen girls in Sunday School and also teaching in the Christian school that our two children attended.
I still serve the Lord as the maker of our home. It's one of the greatest gifts that He has given me after salvation. I so enjoy taking care of Strongheart and caring for our home and preparing our meals.
We moved to our current location 24 years ago in order to be here to help our parents. My dad passed away in 1982, but my mom was still living as well as Strongheart's parents when we made the move. It's a move that we have never regretted. It was a joy to be able to help them.
I came across this quote by Elisabeth Elliot that I thought truly puts life and our "jobs" into perspective.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Seasons of Sorrow ~ a book review
Monday, January 15, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 15 January 2024
AROUND ME: It is currently 15 degrees F. which actually is warmer than when I went to bed last night. At 11:00 last nightit was 9 degrees F. But it is nice and warm inside our home!
I AM PONDERING: The goodness of God. Last week Strongheart and I listened to the daily devotional by Sinclair Ferguson on the revelation of Jesus Christ. He referred almost daily to the hymn "Our Hymn of Grateful Praise". On Friday afternoon we lost power around 4:30 due to high winds. When it hadn't come back on by 9:30 that night, Strongheart got out the generator and started it up to take care of our two freezers and our refigerator. We continued to use candles for lighting because our generator isn't large enough to take care of everything. I went to bed that night telling the Lord that I knew He understood...that He was still in control and He knew what we were going through. I woke up Saturday morning with still no electric but my first thought was, "Father, I know You know what we are going through. I know You are in control and to You I lift up this, my hymn of grateful praise." We continued on with our day resting in His providence. We spent the morning reading and doing what odd jobs around the house we could do without electricity. We ate lunch and around 12:30 the power came back on! And once again, I offered to Him my hymn of grateful praise. It is so much easier to live in the freedom of trusting in His goodness and mercy than it is to spend our days fretting. May His Name be praised!
- For the beauty of the earth,
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies—- Refrain:
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.
- Refrain:
- For the wonder of each hour,
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flow’r,
Sun and moon, and stars of light— - For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild— - For Thy church that evermore
Lifteth holy hands above,
Off’ring up on every shore
Her pure sacrifice of love—
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin; The Gospel's Power & Message by Paul Washer; The Rare Jewel of Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs; and continuing to use Refreshment for the Soul, which is the dovotional with the writings of Richard Sibbes. It's SO good. The month of January has been based on the heart...currently the tender heart.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: Men like Paul Washer who have a heart for God and who share the TRUTH of Scripture and the Gospel. This book was a gift to me by a dear friend Melanie and one that is deeply appreciated.
NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: I enjoy oak furniture...and our kitchen cabinets are oak, our hutch is oak, as well as our table and chairs. I've been trying each week to do some major cleaning task in each room of the house. Last week I decided to try the new cleaning product for wood that I had ordered. I must say that it worked the best of any wood cleaning product that I have ever used in the past including Murphy's Oil Soap.
FROM THE KITCHEN: We've been eating a lot of soup these days. I enjoy trying different recipes. We've recently enjoyed another butternut squash soup recipe, as well as a chicken pot pie soup, and then what we refer to as "Get Well" soup. I make it with some of the Italian sausage that Strongheart made, and tomatoes, carrots, corn, onions, garlic, and cabbage.
SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY: Caring for these lovelies.
A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "The Father ordains salvation, the Son accomplishes salvation, and the Spirit applies salvation. In other words, there is no Christian life without the Spirit. The Christian life is purely theoretical if there is no operation of the Spirit. Everything that we experience of God is the working of the Spirit. That is true at conversion, as the Spirit opens our eyes to our sin and Christ's saving offer. And it is true of our growth." Dane Ortlund How Does God Change Us? (page 79)
TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: Laundry and note/card writing, plus a little ironing.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
The Invincible Miss Cust - a book reveiw
Monday, January 8, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 8 January 2024
AROUND ME: We have just been up a bit and enjoyed a breakfast of oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon. Strongheart is reading as I am typing.
I AM PONDERING: The workings of God through His Spirit as He works in my life.
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, which will take me a bit to get through. Puritan writers seem to do that for rich in wisdom and knowledge...but this is a book that I make it a point to read once a year. It's such a rich book!
Refreshment for the Soul is a compliation of Richard Sibbes' works done in a devotional style, which is the devotional I will be using this year. I'm thoroughly enjoying this one!
I AM THANKFUL FOR: the beauty in nature that God allows us to enjoy. We've had so many different variations of weather this past week but as I type I am enjoying beautiful white fluffy snow resting on the evergreens, and white hanging on fiercely to leafless branches in the woods behind us. Such beauty He has allowed us.
NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: Last week I mentioned about the pie crust on my "Christmas pie" that I made to take to a friend's home for dinner on Christmas evening and how a saw would have been easier to cut it with than a knife! Well, I have learned from my mistakes. At one point last week I made a turkey pot pie and had the flakiest pie crust ever! I went by my tried and true method rather than trying to do as the lady on YouTube did.
FROM THE KITCHEN: I tried a new recipe for butternut squash soup. It contains butternut squash, sweet potatoes, onions, and an apple...all cut up in 1 inch pieces, placed in the crock pot with some seasonings and cooked on low for several hours. Then pureed it in the blender and it was delicious. There's still a bit of it left, which we will have for lunch. Not sure about dinner yet.
Friday, January 5, 2024
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Reading Challenge
Do you have books sitting on your bookshelves that you have accumulated over a period of let's say...years? Would you like to get them off the shelves, into your hands, and read? Then perhaps you would join me in this reading challenge that my friend Barbara shared over at her blog today. I've never participated in a challenge although I love to read. In 2023 I read a total of 50 books...just three short of the goal I had set for myself. However, I have several books in the bookcase that I have had for quite a while that I have not read yet. So, I decided that this particular challenge would be a good way to get them read.
My Reader's Block has a reading challenge called 2024 Mount TBR that looks like fun to me. Each level (number of books you accept as a challenge) is named after a mountain. Since this is my first time trying a reading challenge, I decided to go for Pike's Peak, which is 12 books for the year. I'm fairly certain that will definitely help me weed out some books on the shelves.
If you are interested in this fun challenge you can find the sign up form here. Hope to enjoy your company as we read together.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Heaven and Nature Sing ~ a book review
The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory by Tim Alberta is a book my son had mentioned to me, and it spiked my interest. The subtitle, ...
March 5, 1972 to March 5, 2025 Since I wasn't able to blog last week, I missed documenting a very important date in our lives. Strongh...
TODAY IS: 10 March 2025 AROUND ME: The temperatures this week sound amazing! That along with sunshine will make for some very cheerfu...