I went to King Arthur Flour's website the other day just to check out some prices and look what I found!
Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Things That Fun Stuff Is Made Of
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Cheat River Trailhead
We decided recently to do errands in the town where our county seat is located. There was a long list of errands...landfill, wash the truck at the carwash, Walgreens, and gas station.
I requested a bit of fun along the way, which Strongheart was happy to oblige me. On the outskirts of this little town is a walking trail, known as the Cheat River Trailhead so I asked if we could stop there and do a little walking. The drive along the Cheat River is beautiful, especially this time of the year, but this particular day I was wanting to do some walking of the rail trail.
I was somewhat disappointed once we got there because there were barricades and "Trail Closed" signs up in every direction, but we did walk around the areas where it was permissible. It was too gorgeous of a day to not do some walking.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Lisa's prompt for this month with our One Word post was for us to begin thinking about a new word for 2025 now rather than waiting until December or even waiting until January.
At first, I thought it was just too early for me to think along those lines. And then...
Strongheart and I went out for breakfast the other morning to a tiny little diner in the town of our county seat. It was there that I not only found something to share about my current One Word (kindness), but it was also the jumping off point for me for my One Word for 2025.
My husband enjoys the diner because of their delicious buckwheat cakes and with my eating gluten-free now, the buckwheat cakes are one thing I can have. We noticed as we went in that the diner wasn't very busy and soon realized that there was just one woman there and she was doing everything from waiting tables, to cooking, to serving the orders, and running the cash register. Normally, this isn't the case.
After we had been there a while, and gentleman came in and sat down, someone the lady obviously knew because she asked if he wanted his usual. During the course of our meal, we overheard the conversation easily between the two of them, as the gentleman's table was close to ours. He asked her how her eyes were doing, and she told him they were doing good since she'd had her cataract surgery.
It was her next comment that made me really sit up and take notice of this woman, who had already displayed such kindness and gentleness toward us as she took our orders and brought us our food. She went on to say to this gentleman, "Now, if we can just get this tumor to shrink or better yet, go away altogether, I would be great!"
So, here as we are witnessing her gentle spirit, we came to realize that underneath all that gentleness and kindness, there was a battle raging in this dear woman's body as she was dealing with cancer.
It was her smile that was so sincere and never once did we hear her complain...not even about being the only one out to work that day.
I thought about her all the way home that morning, and I have thought about her many times since. What a powerful testimony she has for she was no doubt a Christian. A Christian who trusts herself to the working of God in her life. She is a Christian with resilience.
It made me think of a quote by J. C. Ryle, "Christian, receive your trials, crosses, and conflicts patiently; bear them quietly; look upward, forward, and far behind them. Fight your daily fight under a steadfast conviction that it is only for a little while, and the rest is not far off."
The Holy Spirit made me aware that I was seeing that quote lived out right before my very eyes through this woman. It brought conviction. I tend to quit too soon, complain too much, and fail to go to my Heavenly Father first when I have the slightest of things going on.
It was then that I knew that my One Word for 2025 would be resilience.
Thank you, Lisa, for this challenge!
And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace,
who called you to His eternal glory in Christ,
will Himself restore, strengthen, confirm, and ground you.
1 Peter 5:10
Monday, October 28, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 28 October 2024
AROUND ME: It's quiet. Strongheart is in the kitchen working on a trail mix that he enjoys making. The temperatures have been on the cool side, but this week they are to be back in the 70s!
I AM PONDERING: the goodness of God. Our pastor was back in the pulpit again this week...still no pain from his surgery!
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: Seeing how God answers prayer. We have a young couple in our church who have been looking for a house and nothing has worked out up until a week ago. They close on the 15th. It's all about God's timing!
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional. So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.
The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes I'm making a bit of progress on this read. While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages. It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.
A Place for Weakness by Michael S.Horton
A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "Weaknesses do not remove us from mercy but inclines Him more to us." Richard Sibbes
Friday, October 25, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Let's Go for a Train Ride!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 pkg. Good Seasons Italian Dressing Mix
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Mix cheese, dressing mix, and garlic powder together.
Moisten chicken breasts with water, coat with cheese mixture.
Place in a shallow baking dish.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the center.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A Fiestaware Journey
The week that our son and daughter-in-law were here, Fiestaware was having their annual "Tent Sale". The one closest to us was in Flatwoods, WV and that's only a little over one and a half hours away from us. Since it is our daughter-in-law's everyday dish pattern, we thought it would be fun to take a ride and see what they had to offer.
Strongheart and I had been to the outlet before, but never during the time that they were having a tent sale. As it turned out, at this particular location they weren't having the sale in an actual tent, but rather had HUGE bins of items outside on the sidewalk as well as in the back room.
All of the items that they had as part of the tent sale were seconds of course, but one really had to look hard to find why an item was considered a second. Our son and daughter-in-law and Strongheart and I had fun going through everything and making choices.
Monday, October 21, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: 21 October 2024
AROUND ME: We have been experiencing some beautiful foliage during these cooler days. It's interesting to wake up in the dark now and the evenings seem longer with it also getting dark earlier. Looking forward to November 3 when we switch back to our regular time.
I AM PONDERING: the goodness of God. Our pastor had surgery on his right shoulder to repair some tears last Thursday (17th) and they were able to do a nerve block on him, which they said would take a couple of days to wear off. He was in the pulpit this morning without pain preaching! God is good...all the time, God is good.
AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: A good book, good tea, and a cozy throw to wrap up in.
BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional. So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.
The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes I'm making a bit of progress on this read. While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages. It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.
A Place for Weakness by Michael S.Horton Almost finished with this one. Hopefully, I'll be able to do a book review next week. I had hoped to have it finished so I could do a review this week, but I didn't quite get that accomplished. I only have one chapter left, so I should definitely finish it up and do a review for next week's blog.
Strongheart to have him open it for me. I knew he was 2% smarter than that bottle. 😊
Friday, October 18, 2024
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Sweet Potato Pie
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Sweet Potatoes Anyone?
A few days prior to our son and daughter-in-law's visit, Strongheart spent time in the garden harvesting our sweet potatoes. He ended up with four bushels of sweet potatoes, out of the 16 sweet potato plants that he started.
Monday, October 14, 2024
From My Journal
TODAY IS: October 14, 2024
AROUND ME: I will be trying to get back into my day-to-day routine after having fun with family.
I AM PONDERING: this quote by F. B. Meyer "If you carefully watch yourselves, you will find that failure in temptation is always preceded by some permitted evil, which took place perhaps days before.
Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional. So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.
The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes I'm making a bit of progress on this read. While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages. It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.
A Place for Weakness by Michael S.Horton Almost finished with this one. Hopefully, I'll be able to do a book review next week.
I AM THANKFUL FOR: The wonderful time that we had with our son and daughter-in-law from Maine last week. They were only here four full days, but we packed a ton of fun into those four days!
.FROM THE KITCHEN: I spent a lot of time in the kitchen prior to our son and daughter-in-law's visit preparing meals to store in the freezer and baking treats for the freezer also. I knew how much fun we were going to be packing into these few short days that they were here, and I didn't want to spend my time in the kitchen cooking, but I wanted them to be well fed. However, I did not take a single picture of any of it. I did a turkey breast, Julia's meatballs and pasta, pulled pork, chocolate chip cookies and raisin filled cookies, plus homemade bread for sandwiches for our lunches.
TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: A bit of laundry and some cleaning, as well as spending some time in the kitchen.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Be Encouraged
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Lenten Lands ~ a book review
The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory by Tim Alberta is a book my son had mentioned to me, and it spiked my interest. The subtitle, ...
March 5, 1972 to March 5, 2025 Since I wasn't able to blog last week, I missed documenting a very important date in our lives. Strongh...
TODAY IS: 10 March 2025 AROUND ME: The temperatures this week sound amazing! That along with sunshine will make for some very cheerfu...