Monday, March 17, 2025

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: 16 March 2025

AROUND ME:  The crocuses and Lenten Rose are blooming and many of the other spring perennials are poking through the ground.  The birds are chirping away!  The geese honk as they fly over.  

I AM PONDERING: The value of risk taking, as I go through a Bible study guide on John Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: Sunshine and warmer temperatures!

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYINGThinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman 

I AM THANKFUL FOR: Jesus~ my Redeemer King for His willingness to give Himself to pay the debt for my sins that I could never have paid myself.  

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN: that life is all too short and that if I love someone, whether it be family or friend, I need to make sure I let them know that.  A dear cousin of mine just passed away recently.  He suffered many health issues, and we would always say that we need to get together, but I didn't put forth the effort.  Speaking with his widow last Friday was so heartbreaking. They both know the Lord, so I know my cousin is in a much better place and no longer suffering and those of us he left behind who know the Lord grieve, but not like those who have no Hope.


To celebrate Pi Day last Friday, 
and not wanting to have an entire pie around, 
but still wanting to do something special for Strongheart,
 I made him some Blueberry Hand Pies instead.


The sweetness of a boy and his dog.


And if you are so inclined to pray, 
please remember John MacArthur in prayer
as he seems to be in his last days before he goes to be with the Lord.



"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:1


  1. Good early morning Dianna. My condolences in the loss of your cousin. Your post made me think about my dear sweet cousin who lives only 10 miles from me. We grew up together and she is my dearest cousin, but yet we only see each other a couple times a year. I need to do better!! Prayers for John McCarthur as his illness worsens. I must say, your handmade blueberry pies look so good. Since Sam has been diagnosed with diabetes, I rarely keep sweets around here. Enjoy the birds, the geese and your beautiful flowers...Spring is an awesome time and I am thankful that God blesses us each season with so much beauty. Enjoy this Green day....Happy St. Patrick's day.

    1. Hello Shug. Thank you so much for your condolences. I hope you and your cousin are able to get together soon. I enjoy living where there are four seasons to enjoy. Hope your St. Patrick's Day was a good one.

  2. I'm SO sorry for the loss of your dear cousin! I guess we think life will never end for us here on Earth so...we procrastinate. Those pies look wonderful!

    1. Thank you, dear Donna, for your kind words. And my husband really liked the hand pies. xx

  3. Pi Day totally caught me by surprise and so no pie for me this year. Probably a good thing.
    I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your cousin. You are so right. We need to take the opportunities we have to stay in contact.
    I'm seeing some daffodils peeking out now and hearing more bird song. It's lovely.
    Have a great week!

    1. There are still hand pies in the freezer. Do you want that I should send you some? 😉
      Thank you for your kind words regarding my cousin's passing. He is with the Lord now but there's a vacancy here.

  4. I'm sorry about the loss of your cousin. I have a friend who we kept saying we needed to get together but never did it, and her husband died suddenly of a heart attack right before Christmas. So, your thoughts hit home with me on doing things like that.
    I didn't know about John MacArthur and will keep him in my prayers.
    We saw our first crocus on Friday, but then it snowed all day yesterday and they are covered up again.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you, my friend. It's so important to connect as often as we can. The last time I saw my cousin was at the eye doctor's office. We had such a good visit and when they called him back I stood to tell him and his wife good bye and he kissed me on the cheek like he always did. The last thing I heard him say was to the technician that was taking him back. He told her, "We're kissing cousins". And then he chuckled.

      I just happened to learn about John MacArthur when I started seeing things on YouTube regarding the Shepherd's Conference. I guess he was in the hospital for seven weeks after his last procedure. He did a short video for the Conference and he said he was on his last lap and then I saw yesterday that he is now on dialysis.

      We had our snow today. But it didn't stick. We will have at least one more snow before it's all done because we always have an Easter snow. It's like it's a tradition or something. It isn't always on Easter, but sometime right around Easter.

  5. I'd like to plant some crocuses. I think they are probably some of the earliest bloomers in the spring. My husband just sent me a picture he took of a Lenten rose at a park last week. I don't know if I have ever heard of them before--or if I have, I've forgotten.

    I have some hand pie recipes, sweet and savory, but haven't tried any of them. That would be a great idea when it's just the two of us. The kids came over and we had a "pie potluck." :)

    I love the quotes and memes. I had not heard about John MacArthur's health. What a useful life he has lived.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I'm glad he's with the Lord and I'm praying for comfort for his loved ones, including you.

    1. I think Crocuses are so delicate... especially when they first bloom. The picture in my header is a Lenten Rose.

      I need to look up some savory hand pies recipes. Then I would make some gluten free pastry so I could enjoy them. I like the sound of a pie potluck! 😋😋

      Yes, Friend, John MacArthur certainly has been used of God to preach and teach the truth of the Gospel.
      Thank you for your kind words regarding my cousin. We appreciate the prayers.

  6. The blueberry hand pies look good. Sorry for the loss of you cousin.

    1. Thank you, Bill. My cousin will be missed. Actually, your profile picture reminds me a lot of him.

  7. My condolences on the loss of your cousin.

    Your blueberry hand pies do look nice.
    It was my laundry day today too!
    May the week ahead be a good one for you and Strongheart.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan.

      My next goal with hand pies will be to try my hand at making savory ones.

  8. The hand pies look yummy.
    Sorry for the loss of your cousin.
    You are so right about letting the people we know how much they mean to us.
    Thank you for being a friend! 🙂❤️

    1. Thank you, Karen, for your kind words regarding the hand pies. There are still some in the freezer.

      Thank you also for your condolences with the passing of my cousin. He was a special guy.

      I appreciate your friendship, my Friend.n 💖💖
