Monday, May 6, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY ISMay 6, 2024

AROUND ME: the fog is low but the sun is doing its best to shine through!  It's supposed to be a beautiful day and I am looking forward to it!

I AM PONDERING: how a holy and righteous God allows us to come to Him through the righteousness of Jesus Christ who has redeemed us.  My own righteousness would never permit me in His Presence, but because Jesus paid the price that satisified God by taking my sins upon Himself, I have that wonderful access to Him.


Strongheart took on the landscaping at our church after we moved into our new building.  There's a slight incline that was begging for something different and he planted these wild tulips.  They have not disappointed!
Click on the image to enlarge it so youcan enjoy their beauty.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the Lord's provision of a second vehicle.  When Strongheart retired we went from having two vehicles to one...which has worked well for us these last 6 years.  We needed to keep the F-150 with it's 8 ft. bed because of all of the firewood he does, but it was beginning to get increasingly harder for me to get in and out of it due to some health issues.  We started searching for a small SUV that would give me the ability to get in and out of it easily with no pain.  The Lord blessed us with a used Subaru.  I'm so thankful to Him.

FROM THE KITCHENThe first Saturday of each month the men at church have a prayer breakfast where they have fellowship over breakfast, and then have a Bible study and time of prayer.  Strongheart always likes to contribute to the breakfast so I made Pumpkin Overnight Cinnamon rolls to send with him this past Saturday.  He brought home an empty pan. 😀  I'm sorry that I didn't think to take a picture of them before he left.  

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY: This perennial flowerbed that I can see from my kitchen window. 


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, cleaning the outside of all the kitchen cabinets, giving the kitchen floor a good clean.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Your church must really appreciate your husband's work with the landscaping. The tulips are lovely. I know you'll enjoy your new-to-you car. It's a pretty thing! I don't think we'll ever grasp just how much Jesus loves us! It's overwhelming.

    1. They truly do, Melanie. It's a blessing to watch him use his gift and love of plants for the Lord. Thank you for your kind words about the car. One day we will awake in His likeness...just another thought from Scripture to ponder.

  2. That meme is so true. We want to make things as easy as possible for our kids, but they learn and grow through struggles.

    Hoe nice to have a new-to-you car that fits your needs so much better.

    The tulips are pretty.

    1. Yes, I agree, Barbara. As hard as it is as a parent to watch our children have hard things to deal with, how much better it is that it happens when they are still under our care and we can teach them how to deal with the hard things in life.

  3. We have only one car--a CRV. It works well for most everything we need to carry. (well, we also have a small class B motorhome)
    I LOVE your perennial garden! We are working on one-- it has five fruit trees and a bee hive, so far.
    I noticed on your profile page that you like Miss Read books. Me, too. I am reading The White Robin right now.

    1. Thank you, Willow, for your kind words about my perennial garden. We have several fruit trees...apples and pears, as well as grapes, red raspberries, black raspberries, and blueberries. My husband has tried to have bees here but the winters are so harsh that it's hard. Before we moved here, we had about 50 hives that we would loan out to the orchardists in that area. It was a much milder climate and there were a lot of apple and peach orchards.
      My friend Melanie from Simple Amazing Grace is the one who started me with the Miss Read books! It's always fun to meet people with similiar interests when it comes to reading material.

  4. I'm glad you can enjoy that new car that is easier to get in and out of. I love the permanent view from your window. It truly is an amazing gift that we can have peace with God and access to Him all because of Jesus. So thankful. Happy new week to you! I stole some of your Monday Journaling post ideas. :)

    1. Thank you, Ellen. The car has been a huge blessing for me. I'm hoping to add a Magnolia tree to that view from my kitchen window. :) I agree that it is an amazing gift that we can have peace with God because of Jesus. SO thankful! I enjoyed your Monday post! :)

  5. Yay! So happy to hear you were blessed with a new car. God is so good! Subaru is a great car. My husband and I each drive a Subaru - I have an Outback and he has a Forrester just like yours. Hope you are having a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you, Julia, for your kind words regarding the car. We have been really pleased with it and have especially appreciated the great gas mileage we are getting...especially considering we live in the mountains. Have a wonderful remainder to your week, Friend. xx

  6. Enjoy your new car, Dianna,! You deserve it.Your husband does some good work for the church: planting tulips, contributing to the prayer breakfast, etc...
    I like your displayed quote. It's so true ! teaching a child how to face challenges.

    1. Thank you, Duta, for stopping by and for always leaving encouraging words for me. I hope that your break from blogging was a good one for you and that you were able to accomplish all that you wanted to while taking it.

  7. I love tulips! One of my favorites!
    So thankful that you found a new car. Subaru will be a good one. Sounds like you had a busy! Hope you can rest up now.

    1. Thanks, Monica. We are pleased with the Subaru. I hope that all is going well for you. xx

  8. The tulips are so pretty!
    I like the new vehicle. It's a blessing for sure.
    Our church has a men's supper the first monday of every month that sounds just like your church's breakfast. Bob is there right now!
    I'm so enjoying the flowers growing here too.

    1. Thank you, Mari. They are a bit unusual in their shape, coloring, and size but we really like them. Thank you for your kind words about the Subaru. We are pleased with it so far and appreciate the gas mileage we are getting. That's neat that your church's men's meeting is a supper! Carroll always enjoys the fellowship and time of learning over breakfast. Glad you are back home safe and sound.

  9. I have not heard of wild tulips; they're pretty and hopefully they'll do well and maybe spread. I can imagine how appreciated the cinnamon buns were! It was sweet of you to make those.
    Have a great week 💗💗💗

    1. They really are pretty...they are smaller than a regular tulip and so dainty.

  10. I'm glad you were able to get a second vehicle, Dianna. I know there are cities and situations where one car (or no cars!) will do, but it's nice to have the option of 2 vehicles when we can. Your flowerbed already looks so pretty! I hope you'll continue showing us how it looks as the months progress. Mine is mostly weeds already. Maybe I'll get to them soon...

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I was perfectly content with just the truck, but it was getting increasingly harder for me to get in and out of it. So I am very thankful for the Lord's provision. I do enjoy my flowerbeds. Working in them is a great morale booster.

  11. These wild tulips are very graceful, they are so delicate, I also planted some in my garden. Beautiful signs of spring.
    I congratulate you on your new car, it is wonderful and important to be able to be mobile.
    Your flower bed is great.
    I also created a bed in front of my kitchen window and we now have some dahlia tubers
    planted, it is worked into the meadow just like yours and I am very happy about it :-))
    Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. Hello Viola! I agree with you 100% about the wild tulips being graceful. That's the perfect description! I enjoy being able to look out my kitchen window as I am doing the washing up and enjoying all of the beauty of nature, both from my flower garden and the woods behind our property. Hugs to you!

  12. hurray for new wheels!! I have so much trouble getting in and out of our honda civic....but I still do! We want to replace that one first even though it is the younger of our two cars.

    1. I am enjoying the ease of getting in and out of the Forester. I just need to sit down and then swing my legs around like a lady. No more dreading the pain of trying to get in and out of the truck. I'm so thankful.
