Monday, January 20, 2025

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: 20 January 2025

AROUND ME:  Beautiful white snow!  It just keeps coming down, covering the ground with God's handiwork in shades of white. It started snowing sometime during the night Saturday night, early Sunday morning and is to continue today.  As of Sunday afternoon, we had six inches of fresh snow on top of what we already had.  Temperature this morning at 7:17 A.M. is 9 degrees F.

I AM PONDERING:  the fact that today is Inauguration Day 2025 and wondering how much our world will change again over the next four years.  This is certainly a different world than I grew up in.


Tea Sandwiches Photo courtesy of Pinterest 

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:   Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

I AM THANKFUL FOR: good healthy food, my husband, my Redeemer and King, my copy of God's Word, pretty stationery, journals, my adult children and their spouses, our grandchildren, just to name a few.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  I am thankful for our computer, especially when it works, but when it doesn't it leads me to desperate measures. 😃 Last week, it was being contrary when I wanted to download pictures and work on the blog, so I had to resort to going to my phone and learning how to edit and post blog posts from it!  God is good!

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I am relearning the art of taking pictures for the blog!  Strongheart sits down at the table and looks to see if it's safe to eat or if I need to take a picture first. 😂

Here's some prep work I did for the Minestrone that I made last week.


I enjoy the view up this stream any time of the year.


Photo courtesy of Pinterest


Photo courtesy of Pinterest

O DO LIST FOR TODAY:   Laundry and plant care.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12 


  1. Your minestrone soup looks delicious! Just what you need on those snowy days.
    You certainly are having your share of winter there with all that snow. I admit it is beautiful. It makes everything so fresh and clean looking.
    I hope you enjoy the Boundaries book. I found it very helpful.
    I'm not very creative at taking photos for a blog. I think you are doing very well.
    Have a lovely week, my friend!

    1. It was so good, Melanie. Minestrone is one of my favorites anytime of the year, but especially on snowy days. :) Our snow will be hanging around for a few weeks because our temperatures will be below freezing for that long. When it does melt, all of the moisture will be good for the ground and soil...especially after the drought conditions we suffered this past summer. I am enjoying the Boundaries book immensely. Thank you for your kind words regarding the pictures for the blog. After being away from the blog for six weeks, I'd forgotten about taking pictures of things as I was creating a meal, etc. I just got out of the habit of doing it and it didn't hit me until after I returned to blogging and didn't have pictures to fill in on my Monday posts. :)

  2. I am with you with rejoicing in the snow! I think because I feel my best when it is cold out and my worst when it is hot out. Technology is good when it is working!

    1. The snow is pretty, isn't it, Karen. I love the coziness of wearing sweaters and wool this time of year. I agree...when it's working! Sometimes, though, I think the problem is me because I get so impatient. :) I'm learning. :)

  3. That snow keeps falling here too. All the schools are closed in the area, due to bad roads and such cold temps.
    Your food photos are really good. Bob teases me about taking pics of food so often.
    Lots to be thankful for!

    1. Our schools have been closed too. They have already used up their snow days that are figured into the yearly calendar, so, depending on how many more days they miss due to weather, they will lose their spring break, and/or go to school in June.

      Thank you, Mari, for your kind words regarding the food photos. At least now I am remembering to take them! lol

      Yes, there's always something to be thankful for.

  4. This is a good day for soup! I'm thinking about chicken and dumplings for dinner. The creek is so pretty. It must be fun to see it through the different seasons.

    1. We just finished up some corn chowder...tomorrow I'm going to make some beef stew. Our high tomorrow is to be 15...which is two degrees warmer than todays, so I figured another soup would be good! Your chicken and dumplings sound yummy! Yes, that creek is pretty anytime of the year. I just love that view.
      It's beautiful in the spring when the Mountain Laurel are blooming along its edges, and also gorgeous in the autumn when the trees are all turning.

  5. Love your from the kitchen photos! Good for you - learning new things. I really need to take more photos (for my blog and otherwise) and learn to take better photos. But I have admit, without my computer, I do not think there would be blog for me. I cannot do any of it on my phone. I'm impressed you did that!! Happy Monday to you - hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I was surprised that I could figure out how to do the blog posts and editing from my phone! It isn't hard really, but it just took me a bit to figure out how to do it.

      I hope your week is wonderful and that you stay warm!

  6. That verse from Thessalonians is one of my favourites. Maybe because it describes my idea of a good life.
    Your Minestrone looks so tasty. I know I'll be making soup later in the week but haven't decided what kind yet.
    Your snow looks so lovely. Having grown up on the prairies I now miss the snow but not the bone-chilling temperatures. Today I saw that the actual temp. was minus 29 with a wind chill of minus 40. At those temps apparently Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same. I'm so thankful that we live here on the coast!!

    1. Wise words from Thessalonians, yes? Thank you for your kind words regarding the Minestrone. It's my favorite soup...easy to make and always tasty. Our son's way of thinking regarding the subzero temps is, "once you hit zero, it all feels pretty much the same." He has much more experience with that than we do since he lives in Maine, but we are thankful for our warm home and that we don't have to be out in it unless we choose to be.

  7. Your minestrone soup looks delicious, I'm always a soup fan. The snow pic up the stream is very pretty but looks very cold.
    I can do a post on my phone but can't work out how to edit it. So onto the laptop to tidy it up and finish it off. Keep warm.

    1. Thank you, Diana. I love Minestrone. And, I am with you, I'm a soup fan as well. I think the day that I took the picture up the stream it was around 25 degrees F so I'm sure the water was cold. Good for you that you can do a post on your phone! That's great. If you ever want to learn how to edit it, send a note to my email address in my profile and I'd be happy to help you walk through it.

  8. Soup looks delicious.
    We have LOTS of snow too and we had some sunshine today too.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Wasn't that sunshine just glorious? I loved seeing the sun shining and the snow still coming down. We have right at a foot and a half of snow currently, but I would imagine that you have more than that, considering your location.

  9. We have the frigid temps but not the snow. You have gotten your fair share. Nothing like sunshine and snow together, so beautiful. Your minestrone soup looks perfect for your weather. That quote by Ferguson is a good one to ponder. I'm catching up after a full weekend and full Monday, too.

    1. I think by Thursday the temps are to be back up in the 30s for a couple of days so that will be good. I really enjoy Sinclair Ferguson. I've learned a great deal through his teachings. I've been praying for you the last couple of days. When I read your "Surprise" post this morning, I was so excited to learn what the surprise was! I understand your catching up! xx

  10. I would love some of your soup recipes. I plan on making soup for a church leader who needs to have dental surgery in the coming weeks.

    1. Hello Lauren! I would be happy to share some of my soup recipes with you. Is there any type of soups in particular you would like? Tomorrow's post will have the Minestrone recipe in it, if that would get you started. But I will look up a few other ones and send them to you.
