Thursday, January 23, 2025

Quiet by Susan Cain ~ A Short Review


Quiet by Susan Cain is a really good read...especially for those who find themselves an introvert in an extrovert world, which is the reason that I chose this book to read.

As you can see from the subtitle, the book is about "the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking".  The book begins with a history of Dale Carnegie, a boy who grew up on a pig farm that made him determined that he was not going to be a pig farmer, even though he was very shy.  You will need to read the book to find out how this one young man developed a course for those who wanted to learn the skills of public speaking.  That course is still alive today.  You can find it at

Susan goes on from there to show how this led to the extroverts taking lead in business because they are perceived as one who knows what he's talking about because he presents himself in a self-assertive manner.  She gives many examples of how many times when there is a job opening and an extrovert and an introvert both interview for the job, the extrovert generally gets the job even though the introvert understands the working of the job better because the extrovert appears more confident of himself.

The author also delves into different Ivy League schools and how the majority of their enrollments are extroverts and how uncomfortable students from other countries feel in the environment because they've been raised in a culture where introverts are admired for their ability to think through problems and come up with winning solutions.

As an introvert myself, I found it interesting how easily it can be determined while babies are still in the nursery in the hospital whether a child is going to come forth with as an introvert or an extrovert.

While this book wasn't one that gave four or five steps of "self-help", I thoroughly enjoyed the book.  It held my attention and kept me wanting to read to find out more.


  1. Interesting. One of our past Pastors went and took the Dale Carnegie course. I too am an introvert. I know you probably would not guess this to be Growing up, I was extremely shy and I believe it hindered me from doing so many things. The one thing that has helped me the most is when I began blogging in 2010. I'm not sure why, but blogging gives me the freedom to express myself much clearer. I still have issues out in public but my shyness is much better than it was. Thanks for posting...

    1. Dale Carnegie is an example of the difference one person can make! It's interesting that you know someone who took the course. I wouldn't have thought of you as an introvert because your blog gives such a friendly feeling, but as I have thought about your comment throughout the day today, I realize just how similar our backgrounds are when it comes to how shy we were when we were growing up. I understand about blogging and how it has given you the freedom to express yourself much clearer. I started in 2008 and have had a few periods throughout the years that I have had family responsibilities that kept me from blogging, but I totally understand where you are coming from. I do best with a one-on-one type of scenario and that's why I enjoy blogging so much. It's also the reason why I respond to all comments here because I love getting to know people...just not in a crowd. ~wink~ Thanks, Friend, for sharing how this post related to you.

  2. It sounds very interesting! I think I am more introvert than extrovert and would enjoy this one.

    1. I think you would find the book quite interesting, Mari. I've been "on the fence" as to whether or not do book reviews this year...and I still may not review everything I read, but after the responses that I received today, I think I will continue to do the reviews.

  3. Sounds like a book I'd like to read. It's been brutal for me to be an introvert. There's a book I read years ago that really helped me. "Personality Plus" by Florence Littauer. It really helped me understand myself and others around me and how I could co-exist with my children, who obviously had different personalities than I did, except for the one with whom I related perfectly. I'll looking for this book, thanks for mentioning it. Linda,

    1. Linda, thank you for stopping by and commenting. It's always a pleasure to meet fellow introverts. I was extremely shy as a child, but as I've aged it hasn't been as daunting as it once was. I hope you will find the book to be helpful and interesting. Thank you for mentioning the book that has really helped you.

  4. I read this book several years ago and loved it. I don't think I agreed with every little thing, but overall it did help me understand myself better. I thought the section about babies was fascinating.

    1. It's good to meet someone who has read this book before. I agree with you where the section about babies was concerned. It truly was fascinating to me how accurate that all was. And, just so you know, Barbara, I don't think I totally agree with any book I read, but I do try to learn what I can from it.

    2. I'm the same--it's probably rare to find a book I'd agree with 100%. But many have good things we can glean from them.

  5. It probably would be an interesting read for my introvert husband. :)

  6. This is a fascinating concept! I am decidedly not an introvert, but it sounds like a great read. xoxo

    1. It was really helpful for me, Jenny because it helped me understand myself better.

  7. It's been awhile since I read Quiet, but I remember how revolutionary it felt to me as an introvert. It helped me understand that being an introvert isn't a negative thing after all. Your review is inspiring me to reread the book again sometimes!

    1. I actually put this book on my reading list because of it being a book you reviewed/recommended. 😊. I've read so many good books because of you, my friend.
