Tuesday, January 14, 2025

What Do You Hold Dear?

 I think we have all been saddened by the devastation from the fires in Los Angeles, 

the people in western NC who have lost their homes because of Helene,

 and people who have been without power for any length of time due to the winter storms we've been having.

I know it's given me cause to stop and do a bit of thinking about my life values,

 as I've pondered those events, while doing some decluttering here at our home.  

I can only speak for myself, but I have several boxes of things set ready to go to a donation center in a nearby town. 

 Things that once were just "the coolest thing ever" or so I thought at the time.  

Now, they are going to find new homes because they no longer serve me well.  

They are no longer things that I value.

SO... what do I value?  

What is it in this life that I count most precious?  

It's definitely not things (not that there's anything wrong with having things, but what do I treasure most?)

It's the people that God has put in my life...my husband, our children and grandchildren.  

My relationship with Jesus and growing in my relationship with the Holy Trinity through the reading of God's Word, through prayer, and sharing His love with others.

How about you, Friend?

What are the things that you treasure most in your heart?



  1. I've also been watching the fires in LA and live close to the devastation of Helene in NC. It has also made me aware of how fleeting circumstances can be and how in a moment you can lose everything you thought was of value. The dearest to my heart is my family and friends and especially my relationship with Jesus Christ.

    1. Yes, my friend, in a moment it can all be gone. And I try to make a practice of telling those that are dear to me that I love them every chance I get.

  2. I think all of this devastation has caused many of us to do some deep thinking. I know for me, especially with the recent loss of my brother, I am realizing that things are not important...What is important is my relationship with the Lord, my love for my husband and family, and working harder to be a better person... Great post

    1. Yes, Shug, I agree. I'm so sorry to learn of the loss of your brother. I have two brothers and while I don't see them regularly, I would be at a loss without them. Thank you for your kind words. xx

  3. Such wisdom in this post! I too have been decluttering and have things to go to the donation center. Things I was excited to get but soon were collecting dust. I think the older we get the more we realize that things are not so important - people and our relationship with Christ are what matters.
    When I worked in the skilled nursing center I was often struck by how many people seemed to have it all by the worlds standards, and now here they were, in one little room with few visitors and no security in Christ. Very sad!

    1. Thanks, Mari. It's just something that's been on my heart and mind so much recently. Thank you for sharing about your experiences from when you worked in the skilled nursing center. The "no security in Christ" brought tears to my eyes. To be forgotten by family and/or friends is one thing, but to not have security in Christ leaves a person with no hope. It's a new avenue for prayer.

  4. Much the same, my friend. I'm rather fond of my "creature comforts," but they pale in comparison to people we love and to our relationship with our Lord.

    1. Yes, our "creature comforts" do help in this life and really, there's nothing wrong with them, as long as we don't hold to them too tightly. It's as you said, they pale in comparison to people we love and to our relationship with our Lord.

  5. You've said it all for me. Family is the most important. I look around the house and see things that need to be culled but some of them are my hubby's 'treasures' so I can't let them go. I do need to go thru stuff though.

    1. Yes, Diana, family and our relationship with Christ are definitely the most important. xx

  6. Family and God are the most important things right now in my life.

  7. Stuff can always be replaced!
    Things I hold dear are free. God's Love for me and the love of and for family. Walking and enjoying the beautiful world God has created for us. Also my church and church family.

    1. I love your perspective, Karen. God's love is free for us, but it certainly did cost Him something. What mercy He has bestowed upon us. I love that you included walking and enjoying the beautiful world God has created for us. I would also need to include our church and church family...brothers and sisters in Christ.

  8. Stuff can be replaced, people can't!
    Enjoy each day, be kind to one another, be thankful ... so often it's the simple pleasures that bring joy and comfort.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, my friend, the impact of those words, coming from you especially, is tremendous. Thank you for sharing. xx

  9. Such a nice post. I feel so bad for the people who have lost their homes. Also I worry about the homeless and these frigid temperatures. We have so much to be thankful for, our families, my mom will turn 92 this year and still lives in her little house. Our health, the older you get you realize what a blessing it is to have good health. And what would we do if we didn’t know our Lord, our lives wouldn’t have meaning without Him. I pray that when disasters strike, people have Him in their hearts and can rely on Him during such a difficult time. He’s there! Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts today. Take care. Brenda

    1. Brenda, thank you so much for your heartfelt comments today. I can't imagine going through some of life's difficulties without knowing the Lord. My heart aches the most for those who do not know Him. xx

  10. I cannot believe the fires and the destruction. I always value family, health and my faith.

    1. I know, my friend. I watched a program this afternoon that highlighted the different actors and actresses that have lost their homes to the fires. There wasn't a house that was under a million dollars in value, and many that were over 10 million dollars. But each and every one of them said basically the same thing..."stuff can be replaced. I'm just thankful that my family and I are safe because our love for each other is what is important."

  11. I treasure all the things you treasure, dear Dianna. My give away/garage sale/throw away piles are growing!
